Saturday, October 10, 2020

A must-watch Tucker Carlson segment tackles court-packing

Over the years, conservatives have gained seats on the Court playing by the rules.  Leftists will take over the Court by cheating.  That's how it goes. For Trump-supporters, this is one more reason to vote for him.  However, we still have work ahead of us, for we must help the undecideds understand that a vote for Biden and Harris is a vote to undo the Constitution and recreate Venezuela on the Potomac.

Andrea Widburg  "It's likely that many people, when they hear the phrase "packing the Supreme Court," mentally check out because they think it refers to some arcane procedural issue that really doesn't matter.  The truth is that the Democrats' ill concealed plan to pack the Supreme Court is the most critical issue of this election.  If the Democrats succeed with adding new justices to the Supreme Court, they will also have succeeded in doing away with our carefully balanced constitutional government.  Instead, radical leftists will govern American unopposed. 

"On Friday, Tucker Carlson opened his show with a segment about the peculiar fact that Joe Biden, a liar's liar, is not even bothering to lie about packing the Supreme Court.  His bizarre non-answers essentially say the topic is way too important for people to know about before they vote.  Committed leftists understand these words to be a blaring siren forecasting court-packing if Democrats gain control of the White House and Congress.

"Carlson clarifies that a Supreme Court that is made big enough to have an overwhelming and permanent activist majority is simply another legislature.  The only difference is that this is a legislature that the people haven't elected and that has members who serve for life.

"The Founders created a carefully balanced three-part government — an executive, a legislature, and a judiciary — with each branch of the government jealously guarding its powers and acting as a brake on another branch's potential power-grab.  With court-packing, that's out the window.  A Democrat legislature and a politically packed court will be a tag team, with the former passing whatever legislation it wants and the Supreme Court approving it.  The executive will be reduced to a rubber stamp on the legislation.

"And what will this new, all-Democrat, all-the-time government do?  It will... " 

Keep reading if you dare

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