Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Jihadists Are Rooting for a Biden Presidency

"That Biden has stated that he wishes that schools would teach more about the Islamic faith is music to those whose ultimate aim is Islamic domination.  Biden is either unaware of the true reality of Islamic ideas of supremacy or on board with them.  As a tool for the totalitarian left, he is the perfect point man." . . .

Eileen F. Toplansky   "It should be of grave concern that America's avowed enemies are cheering on the possibility of a Biden presidency.  Thus, "Iraq's pro-Tehran factions have welcomed Joe Biden's election as US president[.]"  That such politicians who have called the U.S. "evil" and shout the phrase "death to America" would be pleased by a possible Biden win speaks volumes. 

Vijeta Uniyal explains:

The Iranian regime is equally upbeat in its statements about a possible Biden-Harris administration, hoping to revive the Obama-era appeasement policies.  If the mainstream media and the Biden-Harris camp have their way, the Tehran and pro-Iran terrorist groups may have a good reason to rejoice.  A Democrat-led administration will likely undo President Donald Trump's legacy on Iran, lifting economic sanctions and ending the campaign of maximum pressure against the world's biggest sponsor of terrorism and its Islamist proxies across the Middle East.

"In addition, the fact that the terrorist organization the Muslim Brotherhood  wishes Mr. Biden well should send clarion bells ringing. 

"According to Khaled Abu Toameh:

Some Arabs say they are worried when they see the Muslim Brotherhood celebrating the results of the US presidential election.  These Arabs fear that the Muslim Brotherhood, backed by Qatar and Turkey, is preparing to make a comeback under a potential Biden administration.  The message Arabs are sending to the new US administration is: Do not repeat the mistakes of former President Barack Obama, whose administration sided with then Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, a Muslim Brotherhood member.  The Arabs also want to remind a potentially new US administration that the Islamists and their supporters are inveterate liars who care only about their own interests.


"At the Arab Weekly site, one learns "that Pro-Muslim Brotherhood activists and media professionals in Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen and the Gulf states did not hide their prayers for a Biden victory.' " . . .

Jihadist Beheads French Teacher For Sharing Cartoons About Prophet Muhammad

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