Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Boycott the Gaslight Media and Save America -

  American Thinker  "There is one major lesson that conservatives and frankly all Americans must learn: never accept at face value the reporting of any news event.   By foolishly acquiescing to the version of a story put out by the denizens of the mainstream media, the citizenry allows the ruling oligarchy to set the narrative and exploit the inevitably fabricated incidents that further their cause.  In place of “mainstream media,” they ought to be called Gaslight Media, for their role is not to report the truth, but rather to manipulate the public into a mental state conducive to obedience. As defined medically, gaslighting is:

…a form of psychological abuse where a person or group makes someone question their sanity, perception of reality, or memories. People experiencing gaslighting often feel confused, anxious, and unable to trust themselves.

"These statists are aware that once their version of a story has been repeated ad nauseum for days or weeks the bulk of the populace will accept it as the truth, thus, achieving near-permanent status in the national discourse."  More...

This nation is at a crossroads.  The left-wing ruling oligarchy dominates nearly all societal institutions.  But they cannot succeed in their effort to transform this nation’s political system into a one-party oligarchy without the active role of the Gaslight Media.

Victims of the gaslight media of the gaslighters themselves?:

America's national leaders, doing whatever it is that they do.

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