Source; American Spectator "Joe Biden reportedly aspires to become the next Franklin Roosevelt. He more resembles Elmer Fudd. He has precipitated a border crisis, lost America’s second war in 50 years, turned the COVID-19 response into a fiasco, and is blundering into blowing a bipartisan infrastructure bill that should have been a sure thing. Biden lacks two things that made FDR a successful president. First, he is remarkably tone-deaf to the mood of the American people. Second, he lacks the kind of sage domestic and military advice that Roosevelt enjoyed. No one is apparently saying to him, “Mr. President, this is a very bad idea.” A U.S. president needs people who can speak truth to power. On the domestic front, FDR had Harry Hopkins and his wife Eleanor; militarily, he had George Marshall. I am not celebrating Roosevelt’s political agenda, but I am pointing out that he generally got good counsel in furthering it. Biden apparently lacks people who have the gravitas or the moral courage to forcefully point out when he is wrong.
"Roosevelt was deft enough not to get out ahead of the American people on major issues nor to send the wrong political signals to the public, international friends, and potential enemies. There was apparently no one to tell Biden in January that his statements on immigration would send thousands of illegals flocking to the border. He got off to a bad start in messaging then and has doubled down since.
"Similarly, after declaring victory over COVID-19 in early July, Biden and his senior administration officials are now again wearing masks to all public events. Apparently, no one has asked, “who are we protecting?” and “what message are we sending?” Those Americans — me included — who have been fully inoculated did so with the expectation that the masks would come off.". . .
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