Sunday, March 27, 2022

No, AOC, Humans Are Not Killing the Earth

Remember her record of credibility...

BUSTED! Leaked Photos Reveal AOC Was ‘Crying’ Over an EMPTY PARKING LOT In Her Staged ‘Emotional’ Photos – enVolve (

 No, AOC, Humans Are Not Killing the Earth - American Thinker  . . ."For radicals like AOC, here are two solutions.  One is to drastically reduce the carbon footprint of every human being on the planet.  This could be accomplished by mandating electric vehicles or no car at all, and by using taxation and zoning to force humans into smaller, more efficient apartments.

"But housing and transportation would not be enough.  It would be necessary to slash electricity and other utility usages, since power plants are the largest source of man-made greenhouse gas emissions, and to outlaw animal products such as meat, eggs, and dairy.  It would also be necessary to limit travel and restrict land use so as to return land to its state of nature.". . .

. . ."That option is to reduce the number of human beings on Earth, be it by forced sterilization, birth control, abortion, or voluntary or mandatory euthanasia.  While they do not always admit it, radicals like AOC have been pushing this option for decades.  They envision a planet happily free of human industry and development — a lot like the primitive communal settlement depicted at the end of Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451.  Or a planet free of humans entirely.". . .

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