Thursday, May 5, 2022

The SCOTUS leak is a gold mine for the left

 One of the many consequences caused by those who consider our nation's founders to be nothing more than "Dead White Men".

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One aspect of the leaked Alito opinion isn’t a mystery at all - American Thinker  "When it comes to the Alito draft, we’re not sure exactly who leaked it and we’re not sure yet what its effect will be on the case and the election. But one thing we can absolutely be sure of in the wake of the dissemination of the Roe/Casey opinion draft is this: Ka-Ching!!!

"Within minutes of the leak’s publication, various Democrat/progressive/leftist organizations began raising money off the matter. That’s not an exaggeration. The first funding emails were sent out almost instantly. Both CNBC and Business Insider have reported staggering cash hauls based on the leak.". . .

Can we save SCOTUS from the leaker? - American Thinker  "The person who leaked the Alito draft opinion in the abortion case (Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health) committed an assault against the Supreme Court that has the potential to kill the Court’s integrity moving forward. That is, it opens the Court to political persuasion not only in this case (if you can call mob pressure “persuasion) but also in every controversial case going forward. How can the Court offset the damage?". . .

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