Sunday, October 30, 2022

Barack Obama Gets the Detroit Style Heckling Treatment Campaigning for Democrats

"Something big for the GOP might be happening in Michigan after former President Barack Obama was here on Saturday campaigning for his fellow Democrats and he was heckled.

"With Gretchen Whitmer.

"In Detroit.

"Obama was speaking front and center to a bunch of people who will vote for anyone with a (D) after their name even if they only know the state they live in is one of confusion (those confused about whom I speak might want to read up on Joe Biden and John Fetterman).

"Now, I’m starting to look around and wonder if the 2022 election cycle might turn Michigan purple instead of staying blue because the little things are adding up. I covered some of what I’m seeing the other day right here. New Ad Eviscerates Gretchen Whitmer Claim of Michigan Schools Only Being Closed for Three Months. From that article…

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