Wednesday, November 9, 2022

The little red engine that couldn't

"Additionally, this election probably marks the end of the Trump era." Andrea Widburg

The red wave that wasn’t: An election post-mortem  "Well, that was disheartening, dispiriting, and demoralizing. We went into the party with a president with some of the lowest approval ratings in history and Americans (at least according to the polls) focused like lasers on issues that could be chalked up to Democrat policy failures; namely, inflation and crime. . .

Additionally, this election probably marks the end of the Trump era. As Thomas Lifson wrote, a large part of DeSantis’s appeal to conservatives is that he didn’t give in to COVID madness. Of course, blue state governors who killed their elderly and destroyed their economies also won re-election. The problem for Trump is that his voting base is the side that rewards liberty—and Trump, sadly, paved the way for Fauci, Birx, and the rest to steal that liberty.

Voters rewarded Republicans in statewide races who battled COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates

Biden gets boost from holding off red wave and will run in 2024 | Daily Mail Online

‘The Election Denial Put People Over the Edge’: Fox’s Marc Theissen Says Voters Rejected ‘Chaos’ of Trump  . . .“Florida was the silver lining in what was otherwise a very, very dark night,” Thiessen told America’s Newsroom anchors Dana Perino and Bill Hemmer Wednesday morning.

“ 'Voters did us a favor,” he said, in three ways: by re-electing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) “by historic margins,” giving the Republicans control of the House “which means that we can stop the miasma of spending,” and sending the GOP “a wake-up call.”

"Polling had shown that voters were “angry about the direction of the country, and yet they voted for the status quo,” he added. “Why is that? It’s because the Republican party did not give them a viable alternative to vote for,” even though voters were “begging” for one.". . .

Georgia election official says 'safe to say' Senate race will go to run-off | Daily Mail Online

Newt Gingrich Has a Take on Why Election Night Turned Out to Be Such a Disappointment   . . ."In the end, though, Gingrich offered that perhaps President Joe Biden's strategy of going after his Republican opponents and threatening that democracy was on the line worked. "Much as I think it's despicable," Gingrich made clear about such a strategy, "the Biden strategy of demonizing Republicans, and attacking Republicans, and defaming Republicans, I think did have an impact and will probably become the definition of the Democratic Party."

"Doocy and Gingrich did agree that there was that red wave in Florida with Gov. Ron DeSantis' (R-FL) win, as well as that of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), which had Gingrich predicting DeSantis "will almost certainly become the rallying point for everybody in the Republican Party who wants to move beyond President Trump," adding that "will certainly make for a remarkable race." Both DeSantis and Trump could end up running in 2024, with Trump potentially announcing on November 15.". . .

Republican Voters Deserve Answers and Accountability  . . ."Those promising great success in order to consolidate power, in a drapes-measuring move, hoping to land a leadership position in a new Republican majority may be the worst offenders who owe the Republican electorate the most answers. 

"Among them are the leadership of the Republican National Committee, including Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, the chairs of the National Republican Congressional Committee — Rep. Tom Emmer (R-MN) — and National Republican Senatorial Committee — Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL), and the House Republican Leader — Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).". .

.As the dust settles after Election Day, it's time for Republican voters to get answers about what happened. 


But all will be well under Joe. 

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