Wednesday, February 15, 2023

BOMBSHELL: Ex-MSNBC Host Had to ‘Get Permission’ from Network to ‘Criticize Hillary Clinton’

 Trending Politics  "Former MSNBC host Krystal Ball revealed to popular podcaster Joe Rogan that the left-wing network told her to stifle any criticism of Hillary Clinton. After she had ripped Hillary, Ball said she was called into the office and told to get commentary on Hillary Clinton approved by the network president.

“ 'I did a monologue when Hillary Clinton was building up to run for president,” Ball said. “I did this whole thing that was like, ‘She sold out to Wall Street. People are gonna hate this lady. She’s like the terrible candidate for the moment. Please don’t run’.”

“ 'Afterwards, I get pulled into an office and you know, ‘Great monologue, everything’s fine. But next time you do any commentary on Hillary Clinton, it has to get approved by the President of the network,’” she said.". . .

. . .“Of course, it was her husband, former President Bill Clinton, who did much of the deregulating that got us into trouble including ending the Glass-Steagall prohibitions on mixing traditional banking with speculative investment banking,” she noted.

“More to the point though, in a time when we badly need to be inspired, rallied, and made to believe that America can once again be true to the American dream, we desperately need someone who is mission driven,” she continued.

“We need someone who is clearly passionate, who is living and breathing and feeling in their bones the plight of the worker and the middle class, and who is unafraid to stand up to the Wall Street titans. That person is not Hillary Clinton. It is Elizabeth Warren,” she added.

“Despite all her talents, Clinton is not the woman to address the deep inequality, corporate political capture, and middle class rot afflicting our country. So although I deeply admire and respect Secretary Clinton, I must say: Don’t run Hillary. Don’t run,”

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