Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Dems will infiltrate Trump street protests to turn them violent[?]

 The Aspen beat

"Donald Trump has characterized his impending arrest this week as a political vendetta, and has urged his supporters to take to the streets in protest.

"I agree with him that it’s a political vendetta, but disagree about taking to the streets.

"It is indeed a nakedly political act by the Manhattan District Attorney. Numerous other prosecutors including sophisticated federal prosecutors have reviewed this same evidence, and have declined to pursue this case.

'Rightly so. It’s a lousy case. The legal theory is a stretch. Moreover, the prosecution’s fact witnesses are not credible. One is a former porn star who has been caught numerous times lying and the other is Trump’s former lawyer who is willing to say anything he’s told to say in order to save his own hide.

"Layer on top of that a prosecutor who is not exactly a top-notch trial lawyer and is known to get money from George Soros, and you have, as I said, a lousy case, even in New York where Trump has gone from loved to reviled. The prosecution will lose.

"The result of that loss will be to boost Trump’s election chances because it will cast him as a wrongly persecuted martyr. Elon Musk – no dummy – declared that the case would guarantee Trump’s election. I wouldn’t go that far, but I do think it will help Trump.


"Unless there are violent protests. If that happens, the Dems will portray it as a Jan. 6 redo. It’s certainly true that the Dems overplayed the mostly peaceful (as they would describe it if they were the instigators) Jan. 6 incident, but the point is that they overplayed it with some success. The midterms, for example, went surprisingly well for them.

"The Dems and their media allies will do the same with another protest, and they will do it even better this time because it will start to look like a pattern with Trump and his supporters.

"You think the protests won’t turn violent? Consider this. The Dems want that violence in order to paint Trump and his supporters as violent people. They are sure to infiltrate the protests in the guise of being on Trump’s side, just as the FBI apparently did on Jan. 6, for the express purpose of inciting violence in otherwise peaceful crowds of Trump supporters. Trump, his supporters, and Republicans in general will get the blame.

"It will be a case of Antifa thugs costumed in MAGA hats.

"My advice to Trump supporters is don’t take the bait. If you stay home, Trump can and will win his case and very possibly his campaign. On the other hand, if you take to the streets, it might feel good, but the price you pay for that evening of feel-goodery will be another four years of a presidency led by the stupid, corrupt Biden crime family that is destroying America."  (Emphasis mine, TD)

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