Thursday, July 27, 2023

The bashing of Barack Obama -

 Susan Daniels; American Thinker

He added: "It's no coincidence that these 'banned books' are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community[.]"

. . ."Obama was mocked mercilessly on Twitter.  One commenter questioned how books like Gender Queer improved Obama's life.

"The Daily Wire snapped at Obama with an article by Amanda Harding: "Barack, If you'll sit down and read 'Gender Queer,' then defend making it available to kids, I'll do you the favor of running ads all over the country to let people know.  You'll never do it because you know it would disgust normal people that your party wants kids to read it," Robby Starbuck, a former GOP candidate for Congress in Tennessee, wrote, referencing a book that includes illustrations of same-sex sexual activity.

"The rumor is that pedophile Frank Marshall Davis taught Barack Obama more than any books that Obama is encouraging school libraries to stock on their shelves."

Obama: 'I Make Love to Men Daily'  . . ."Given the admitted bisexuality of Obama's Hawaiian mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, and Obama’s mental indulgence in the same, the honest critic has to think hard about this excerpt from “Pop,” a poem Obama wrote about Davis while in college."

Obama Comes Out Against Parent Attempts To Keep Highly Sexualized “LGBTQ+” Books Out Schools, Calls It “Banning” (

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