Wednesday, August 30, 2023

KJP: The misinformers yell loudest about misinformation

There was never any evidence Trump colluded with the Russians but the media continuously used Adam Schiff as a source to spread misinformation.

Jack Hellner - American Thinker   . . ."The media colluded with Democrats to challenge the 2016 election and call Trump an illegitimate President but now they act like anyone challenging an election is a threat to democracy.

The media colluded with Fauci and others to block an investigation of the Wuhan lab as the source by falsely calling it a disproven conspiracy theory. They sought to silence those who disagreed with government talking points and edicts.

"The media participated in spreading the “hands up don’t shoot” lie to gin up racial hate, division, and violence against white cops. How many cops have been injured or killed because of that intentional lie?

"The media has allowed Biden and others to lie for years about what Trump said in Charlottesville in order to perpetuate the lie that Trump is a racist. They know that Trump repeatedly denounced white supremacists and Nazi’s but don’t care. The media and other Democrats always play the race card because they don’t want to defend their unpopular policies.

"The media, especially the WaPo, sought to destroy Judge Kavanagh with unverified accusations. There was not one ounce of evidence showing this was true but the media and other Democrats didn’t care. They are the party of personal destruction. They seek to destroy anyone who gets in their way whether the people are black like Clarence Thomas or Tim Scott or women like Sarah Palin or Kari Lake or an orange man like Donald Trump. All that matters is that they are conservatives or Republicans.

"The WaPo even sought to destroy Christian boys for the crime of wearing MAGA hats. They were accused of being racists. There were videos showing the allegations weren’t true, but the truth hasn’t mattered for a long time." . . .

KJP’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at the WH press room podium - American Thinker    . . ."Face it, Karine Jean-Pierre does have a tough job, unless you think her real job is simply to be the first black, female LGBTQWERTY press secretary, in which case she doing splendidly by remaining female (and she does have choices, we are told), Black, and so far as we know still sapphic. After all, putting a happy face on the corruption, incoherence, incompetence, and sheer stupidity of her president is a mighty challenge." . . .

White House Refuses to Say Whether Boys Playing Girls Sports Is a 'Women's Rights Issue' (  

Even though she skirted the issue in Tuesday’s presser, in the past, Jean-Pierre has claimed that it is “irresponsible” to say that men playing sports as transgender women threaten the safety of biological women.

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