Monday, August 7, 2023

The Day Tucker Carlson Was Fired, This Is What Was About To Air

 The Hayride

. . ."Jack Smith was the unscrupulous federal prosecutor who went after former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell on corruption charges when there was no evidence he’d actually done anything. McDonnell was convicted, but the Supreme Court threw out that conviction on a 9-0 vote in a landmark case.

"That’s an interesting aside, but it’s neither here nor there in the main thrust of this – which is that here you have the chief of the Capitol Police, whom Nancy Pelosi later got rid of, essentially saying that Jan. 6 was a Reichstag fire event. He said the crowd was full of federal agents, who are most properly described as agents provocateur, and he said the failure to properly support the Capitol Police when the intelligence was readily available as to the size of the crowd that would be on hand at the Capitol, not to mention the overreaction afterward – the razor wire and armed cordon around the building, complete with the assignment of the buffoonish Russell Honore to oversee the “emergency” security, and Sund’s firing after the fact, lend the air of a cover-up to all of this.

"Stephen Sund was never called to testify by Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 Committee.

That riot at the Capitol disrupted a planned exposition in front of the American people of the very irregularities in vote-counting and other deficiencies in the election that the legacy corporate media has for three years denied happened in the 2020 election.

"And Carlson was let go before this interview could air. Just before, as a matter of fact.

"Do you not think that Stephen Sund saying there’s a considerable cover-up of what really happened on Jan. 6, and that the crowd was salted with agitators working for the feds, was newsworthy enough that Fox News should have aired it at some point? Even if Carlson was rightly fired, from their perspective, for different reasons – they had that tape. And it’s been months since the firing but they didn’t air it?" . . .

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