Wednesday, October 25, 2023

404 Journalism; An anti-Semitic press lies to destroy Israel

 How the 'octopus' became a symbol of anti-semitism and landed Greta Thunberg in trouble - Times of India (   

Don Surber (

The NY Times and MSNBC: joined at the hip. TD

"Last week, Palestinians bombed the parking lot of al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, which is run by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. Christians founded the hospital in 1882. While press reports claim it was an errant missile, Palestinians blamed Israel too harshly and too quickly to be anything but another deliberate sacrifice of Palestinians to the Palestinian god of war.

"That the hospital itself was spared showed unusual restraint on the part of Palestinians, who generally have no problem killing their own women and children. Perhaps they had not had time to move whatever war materiel they stored inside the facility. The horror was meant to keep Israel from full retaliation for Palestinian war crimes. Terrorism works because, after 50 years of terrorizing Israel, Palestinians are still there as Israel cares more about world opinion than its own safety.

"The English-speaking press gladly accommodates Palestinian terrorism because the press now sees itself as an academic enterprise rather than a trade. Master’s degrees in journalism now dominate the hiring at newspapers. Newspapers prefer degrees from prestigious schools, which always made me smirk because if you have a degree from Harvard, why are you working for peanuts at the Charleston Gazette in West Virginia?

"But that background explains why the press promotes Palestinian terrorism against Israel. American universities are citadels of anti-Semitism. Liberals have bestowed victimhood upon the terrorists. Foolishly, I believe, because they will turn on liberals before liberals have the chance to turn on them. Terrorism is by definition a cut-throat enterprise.

"American journalists blissfully ignore this as they carry the water for Palestinians.

"When Palestinians bombed the parking lot of Christian hospital in Gaza, every single major news outlet in America blamed Israel and said the missile destroyed a hospital." . . .

Blood libel - Wikipedia  "Blood libel or ritual murder libel (also blood accusation)[1][2] is an antisemitic canard[3][4][5] which falsely accuses Jews of murdering Christian boys in order to use their blood in the performance of religious rituals.[1][2][6] Echoing very old myths of

secret cultic practices in many prehistoric societies, the claim, as i
t is leveled against Jews, was rarely attested to in antiquity. According to Tertullian, it originally emerged in late antiquity as an accusation made against members of the early Christian community of the Roman Empire.[7] Once this accusation had been dismissed, it was revived a millennium later as a Christian slander against Jews in the medieval period." . . .

Useful Idiot
Useful Idiot Greta Thunberg Promotes the Blood Libel – PJ Media   . . ."Schools that would never allow the KKK or Nazis now embrace the “pro-Palestinian” or “anti-Israel” hate groups of students who are really just useful idiots supporting a Marxist agenda that relies on anti-Semitism to grow its power. Ironically, many of the members of these blood-libel groups on campuses are themselves part of a demographic like women and LGBT or mentally ill individuals who would be persecuted and killed by Hamas and its allies.

"Take, for example, possibly the biggest useful idiot in the world forum today: Greta Thunberg. The Islamo-Nazis of Hamas would kill her in a moment simply because she is an emotional wreck with OCD and Asperger’s syndrome. Yet she promotes their goals and their anti-Semitism. Thunberg supports Hamas and its goals, not even being cognizant that if she had been in Israel on October 7, she would have been an ideal target for them to kidnap, rape, and kill." . . .

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