Monday, October 30, 2023

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/29/23)


The Media Is As Awful As They Are Predictable (

That last bit puts him in the same boat as Hakeem Jeffries, the New York Democrat picked to pretend to be the public face of Democrats in the House while Nancy Pelosi continues to pull the strings behind the scenes. You didn’t really think she “stepped down” from leadership, did you? That wealthy old white lady isn’t about to let a black guy take over her job, not while she still has a breath left in her. She’s spent her life making sure minorities stayed “in their place,” and she’s not about to change now. 

Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (10/29/23) (

"#10 - 97% of scientists don’t agree on ‘climate crisis.’ (Snip) #8 - Tucker Carlson declares, “The whole George Floyd story was a lie.” #7 - Man gets dragged out of Hillary Clinton rally for asking about Bill Clinton’s trips to Epstein Island. #6 - Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know that statin drugs are impairing brain function. #5 - New research finds heart anomalies within 48 hours after the COVID-19 shot. #4 - Florida Surgeon General drops eye-opening revelations on Biden admin’s booster push. #3 - Swiss banker calls for arrest of Bill Gates and those responsible for “democide.' ”

The George Floyd story, by the way, struck an interesting cord with the British who heard Americans making fun of the Queen's spectacular funeral:

Brit, Sophie Corcoran, Goes Viral Defending the Queen Against Vile U.S. Leftists*

Case in point: "The Whole George Floyd Story Was A Lie": Tucker Carlson (  . . ."In other words, George Floyd, according to the official autopsy, was not murdered. He died instead of what we used to call natural causes, which, in his case, would include decades of drug use, as well as the fatal concentration of fentanyl that was in his system on his final day," Carlson continued - laying out how the initial George Floyd storyline was endorsed and amplified by mainstream media, and ignited nationwide protests, intensive racial discourse, and movements like Black Lives Matter." . . .

A bit of the back story to MS. Corcoran's magnificent comment on George Floyd: *Young Brit Slams U.S. Leftists Mocking Mourning Of Queen: You Mourned George Floyd | The Daily Wire   . . ."Corcoran has previously made waves for her staunch support of the state of Israel. In June 2021, she wrote a column for the Jewish Telegraph explaining her support for the Jewish state.

" 'I don’t have to be Jewish and I don’t have to be Israeli to know it is the right thing to do,” she wrote. “Why wouldn’t I support the only democracy in the Middle East’s right to exist?”

"Corcoran’s backing of Israel has subjected her to threats and  abuse because “the Instagram culture of woke, poorly informed infographics” prompts ill-informed people to deny the Jewish State’s right to exist, she wrote. But she called on people of all faiths to stand with Israel and not give in to the anti-Semitic mob.

" 'I have been on the receiving end of an astronomical amount of vile abuse, not only online but also in person,” she wrote. “I received many abusive messages on Twitter for defending Israel’s right to exist, including repeatedly being told to kill myself. . ." 

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