Monday, November 13, 2023

Bill Maher Provides a Devastating Reality Check on Obama's Bad Take About Israel and Hamas

Stephen Colbert will continue to worship you, Barack

 RedState " It's been intriguing to watch the evolution of Bill Maher because he's a good example of more of a classical liberal who has been mugged into reality by how far left and woke the Democrats have gone.  It's not just Maher, but a lot of other Democrats are questioning the "crazy train." 

"Maher called the unhinged woke left the "crazy train" when he had Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on his show on Friday. They did a tag team hit on the left. He acknowledged that the visit brought him to a different place with Cruz, whom he had previously mocked. Maher called it the beginning of a "friendship." Cruz was on because he has a new book out about cultural Marxism. 

"On the show, Maher also had a few things to say about that horrible comment from Barack Obama on the Israel-Hamas situation. Hamas attacked Israel on October 7 deliberately slaughtering women and children, while they continue to threaten to wipe them off the map. They're still holding hostages including babies and refusing to give them up. Yet, some, like Obama seem to want to make a moral equivalency between Israel and Hamas.

. . . "No, Obama may bear some responsibility because he gave billions to Iran. But it is not true that we all are "complicit." Hamas attacked Israel. That's on them. They had a ceasefire, they could have kept that. But they were too intent on killing Jews. Israel is just intent on surviving. It's not the same. And suggesting it is is just shameful. Not dealing with that truth is shameful.

"No, Hamas is responsible for everything that happened after October 7 and they finally need to be held to account." 

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