Saturday, November 25, 2023

Hamas Atrocities Against Israeli Women Met With Deafening Silence

 Townhall   "Misogyny and cultural “norms” subjugating women are widespread in much of the Islamic world. These include female genital mutilation, forced marriages, persecuting women for not dressing according to strict Islamic standards, “honor killings,” and much more.  

"It’s no surprise then, but shocking and horrific nonetheless, that one “weapon” in Hamas’ inhuman massacre of over 1200 people in Israel on October 7, brutalizing thousands, and kidnapping more than 240, including young children and elderly women held hostage in Gaza, was the raping of Israeli women in the process.  Underscoring that these are not individual criminal acts but part of something widespread and deliberate, it’s been described as a sexual pogrom. 

"Adding insult to injury, groups and people that should be advocating for women’s rights and under any other circumstance would be calling out such criminal behavior, have turned a blind eye to the forensic evidence, eyewitness accounts, and confessions of Hamas terrorists as if the victims and sexual crimes didn’t matter just because they are Jews. The evidence is clear. Medical examiners have reported that some of the rapes were so violent that the women’s pelvises were crushed.

"A growing chorus has condemned ignoring these crimes or even denying that they happened using the hashtag, "#Metoo_unless_UR_A_Jew." . . .

More about those women whose hostage posters were torn down by leftists and Muslims. I cannot fathom in the least how those people could align with those who commit these crimes. My political attitude kicks in and I call them Democrat voters who choose the leaders of our nation among whom are the "Squad". TD

Israel investigates an elusive, horrific enemy: Rape as a weapon of war - The Washington Post   Meanwhile those committing these crimes are exalted by the mal-educated everywhere. TD

A volunteer with Israel's military rabbinate who helped prepare remains of women killed by fighters from Gaza on Oct. 7 stands near refrigerated containers that hold bodies, body parts and ashes at a makeshift morgue for soldiers on the Shura military base near Ramla on Oct. 29

"The first indications of possible sexual violence came as early as Oct. 7, the day that thousands of Hamas and other fighters streamed into Israeli towns and began live-streaming bloodshed and torture.

"Footage showed several women stripped of their clothing. One video showed a woman, her hands zip-tied behind her back, with blood on the crotch of her pants.

"Later came testimony from witnesses and first responders. One witness described in graphic detail a gang rape at the Nova rave site near Re’im. An Israeli reserve combat paramedic told The Post that he found the bodies of teenage girls with signs of sexual assault.

"Combatants from Gaza overran 22 Israeli communities, killed at least 1,200 and took 240 hostage in the surprise attack. But their greater goal, sexual trauma specialists say, was to introduce terror against women — and children and other unarmed civilians — as a means of spreading fear.". . .

How feminists have failed Israeli victims of sexual violence (

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