Sunday, February 25, 2024

Coddled To Death: Mental Illness, Illegal Aliens and the Democratic Party

 Derek Hunter (

"Democrats know the truth, but the truth, as is so often the case, doesn’t help them. So it has to be ignored or lied about. You don’t threaten people into silence if you aren’t afraid of what they’ll say." 

Joe, Obama wants his halo back.

"If I could impart one bit of wisdom to you today, I hope that people who tell you they are anything – good, smart, honest, not selling you something, conservative, etc. – are the opposite. Truly smart people don’t have to tell anyone they’re smart, people just know. The same goes for funny people. The more someone insists they are something, the less likely they are to be that thing. 

"Do you know how I know Democrats are the party of compassion and caring? By now they insist they are all the time. It’s the same way I know they’re uncaring opportunists who’d dance on your grave if it suited their needs. 

"Nothing about how Democrats act shows any compassion for anyone; they operate on an “agenda über alles” basis. If death is useful to them, they’ll throw themselves on the metaphorical casket and scream like a lonely widow. 

"They don’t mean it, or else they would’ve shown at least some semblance of concern for the person while they were alive. What did any Democrat do for George Floyd while he was alive? The guy was a degenerate junkie criminal for years before he overdosed on fentanyl in police custody. Where was the love, or even the help? He lived his whole life in a Democrat corral, you’d think they would have helped. You’d be wrong. 

"But when he died, well, they all spoke about him like he’d saved their lives in Vietnam after they’d been best friends in high school. Floyd had 3 memorial services at a time when governments were forbidding everyone else from having any." . . . 

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