Saturday, March 30, 2024

Joe Biden had $7.5 billion to spend on 500,000 EV charging stations. He has built ... 7

 Things do not bode well in America. TD

Monica Showalter - American Thinker

"It's the old problem of central planning for a Better Tomorrow instead of letting the market decide." 

. . ."Had Biden left the green future up to market forces, the charging stations would have gone up on their own because enterprising entrepreneurs would have found a market for it and with that, a profitable opportunity to do so.

"They didn't, because electric vehicles are expensive and less efficient than gas-powered vehicles, harder to drive, and seemingly more dangerous and less socially responsible based on their reliance on rare earth minerals mined by third world children. Those were the signals the market was responding to, but for Biden, that didn't matter.

"Biden ignored all that and took it upon himself to force electric vehicles onto the public anyway with his electric charging station schemes.

"Getting everyone into electric vehicles whether they like it or not was the name of his greenie leftist game, which he and his allied claimed was all about saving the planet. The greenie left has always had a thing against efficient cars with members of the public driving these individual cars without a bus driver directing them and Joe Biden has embraced its agenda, with ambitious mandates on buying less-efficient electric vehicles, impossible fuel efficiency standards, actual bans on gasoline-powered vehicles in coming years, and innovations-from-hell like metered mileage taxes, as we see bruited about in California.

"Now that he's gotten what he wanted, he's made another mess of it, wasting a lot of money on consultant contracts, crony payouts and other things that don't put charging stations on the ground.

"In reality it has never been about global warming but about consolidating government and greenie control and power." . . .

Biden's electric road to nowhere: Two years after he vowed to spend $7.5 billion building 500,000 charging stations only SEVEN have been plugged in (UK Daily Mail)    . . ."The Washington Post reported Friday on the sluggish pace the allocated $7.5 billion in infrastructure funds have been put to use.  

"The bulk of the funds, $5 billion, are to go toward building fast chargers along major interstates - what's being called the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure or NEVI program. 

"To satisfy the federal program's requirements, chargers must be built at least every 50 miles over major highway routes and be operational 97 percent of the time.

"They also must take credit card payments and certain components must be made domestically." . . .

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