Wednesday, June 26, 2024

HAMAS murders nephew of Israeli doctor who saved life of Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar 20 years ago


"After Israeli Dr. Yuval Bitton saved Yahya Sinwar’s life in 2004, Sinwar promised to repay the debt upon his release from an Israeli prison, only to plot the murder of Bitton’s nephew, Tamir Adar, and countless other Israelis 19 years later."

JPost  "Dr. Yuval Bitton treated Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar in a prison clinic in 2004, saving his life with a brain tumor diagnosis and facilitating an immediate transfer to the hospital. Nineteen years later, Bitton’s nephew was killed by terrorists on October 7 in an attack orchestrated by the now-Hamas leader, he told CNN.
"Bitton was employed as a dentist at Nafha Prison when he met Sinwar, who was serving four life sentences for the abduction and murder of two IDF soldiers. The terror leader never completed his sentences, having been freed as part of a 2011 prisoner-hostage exchange that saw some 1,000 terrorists released in exchange for Gilad Shalit." . . .

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