Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Calm down, Democrats: Trump did not tell Christians he’ll be a dictator

 They know that; it's just an opportunity to gaslight shallow voters. TD

Hot Takes: Democrats Try Out 'JD Vance Is Weird' Smear, Social Media Obliterates It – RedState   . . ."Instead of taking a critical look at his policy stances or his career in the Senate, they are relying on a particular talking point: JD Vance is “weird.”

That’s right, folks. Democrats on the airwaves and interwebs have gotten the memo and, for some reason, it is telling them to convince the public that Vance is too weird to be vice president. This is an odd departure from the usual “Everyone who opposes us is racist,” but perhaps the left is trying to branch out?" 

"The talking point appears to have originated with Democratic Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, who recently used it during an interview." . . .

Andrea Widburg - American Thinker  "On Friday, Trump spoke to a Turning Point USA Faith Believers Summit (i.e., an Evangelical Christian group). In the last minutes of his speech, according to Democrats, he announced that, if elected, he’ll end all elections, becoming a dictator for life. Of course, if you listen to Trump, he said something quite different: He will work to end election fraud so that, going forward, all true votes in America will be counted and Republicans can win, even if, as is usually he case, 40% of potential Evangelical voters stay home.

"The WaPo sums up the hysteria:" . . .

. . ."Although the WaPo quotes Trump accurately, it does so using deception through omission. I went to the full speech to see what Trump had said in context.

"What Trump said is that cheating is rampant in American elections. His goal, if elected, is to return to paper ballots and demand voter ID, all to ensure that real people, who are citizens, vote and that their votes are honestly counted. That’s not about ending elections and creating a dictatorship; that’s about ensuring honest elections, and not Kabuki theater with a pre-determined outcome that invariably favors Democrats. (So, you can see, of course, why Democrats are panicking.)" . . .

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