Monday, July 29, 2024

UPDATED: Israel and her questionable ally America

LATE UPDATE: Harris Says 'I Will Not Be Silent' About Dead Kids in Gaza War — Unless They're Israeli Kids – PJ Media   "Democrat presidential nominee-apparent Kamala Harris said last week she "will not be silent" about suffering children in Gaza, while practically ordering Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to stand down in a one-sided ceasefire deal with Hamas terrorists.

"That was Thursday. On Saturday, in the north of Israel, a Hezbollah rocket launched from Lebanon struck a sports complex filled with children playing soccer, killing 11 children and wounding about 30 more. According to IDF spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, it was the deadliest single attack on Israel since the Hamas terror invasion of Oct. 7 that left 1,200 dead and more than 200 kidnapped. 

"The silence from Kamala Harris is deafening." . . . 

Will you also not be silent about this, Kamala?  Tunnel Wall: Hamas announced the death of the youngest hostage Kfir Bibas (10 months old). The mom, brother, and dad are dead too.

Democrats are happy to abandon Israel - who simply want to live in peace with their homes and families - and support Hamas-Gaza whose men killed those Jewish families wherever they found them - and murdered them and their children with absolute glee! The Tunnel Dweller

 Anybody paying attention to what just happened in Israel? - Jack Hellner  

I thought the media would be embarrassed by now about all their lies about Russian collusion or covering up the laptop and Biden family corruption, but I was wrong. They are congenital liars, just like Biden, Obama, and Harris. 

 "I get news items in my email from the New York Times and the Washington Post every day, giving updates and headlines but I didn't see information about a mass killing yesterday in Israel. I also didn't see this information at the top of Drudge or Yahoo! News.

"Clearly, this kind of news didn't help them in their efforts to elect Kamala Harris and to continue the Biden-era world disasters. 

"Iranian terrorists targeted and killed several children yesterday.
"I guess they were disposable. I also haven't heard a word about those children from Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, or their spokesman, John Kirby, yet. 
"Trump kept the price of oil throughout his four years low, and that essentially kept Iran and Russia in check. Trump got the Abraham peace accords and Obama, Biden and their team of useful idiots let that go by the boards and essentially built up the finances of Iran, which pledges death to Israel and death to America. Europe also helps Iran. High oil prices also fund Russian killing in Ukraine." . . . 

Netanyahu’s historic speech; "The prime minister spoke truth to the powers of evil and received an overwhelmingly enthusiastic reception."

. . .The attempted demonization and public shaming of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu by the Democrat Party in Congress and the barbarian demonstrators at the gates calling for Jewish blood remain upon us.

Vice-President Kamala Harris, the designated Democrat Party presidential candidate, chose to attend the gathering of a historically black sorority, Zeta Phi Beta, instead of presiding over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress. This is Harris’s first-ever foreign policy decision. . . .

. . ."Netanyahu dared to name America as the major impediment to stopping Iran. He is right. Only Israel is standing in Iran’s way. Israel is, in effect, protecting America. Iran has been attacking American soldiers for many years now. Only Israel has gone up against it." 

JNS poll: Israelis support Donald Trump over Joe Biden -

Among young Israelis, the responses were even more dramatic. Seventy-four percent of respondents aged 18 to 29 said that Biden is not pro-Israel. Young Israelis support Trump over Biden 95%-5%.

Better-educated, I suppose. TD 

Much more at the Tunnel Wall

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