Sunday, July 28, 2024

Our military leadership isn't 'woke'?

A word from Commander-In-Chief Harris:
Judicial Watch 
In 2022 we received hundreds of pages of records outlining CRT instruction at West Point that includes material on “whiteness,” a social science class on race, gender, and sexuality that focuses on queer theory, and a graphic titled “MODERN-DAY SLAVERY IN THE USA.” 
The Woke Military,” editorial cartoon by Yogi Love for The American Spectator

"The Pentagon dedicates tens of millions of dollars annually to Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs throughout the armed forces and cadets at the nation’s military academies receive extensive training about racism, sexism, unconscious bias, and intersectionality.

"A year-long research project conducted by a special commission at a public university think tank has uncovered the unbelievable details behind a costly Department of Defense (DOD) initiative to root out so-called white privilege white supremacy in the military. The study, conducted by the Center for American Institutions at Arizona State University (ASU), began as a review of civic education in the military and uncovered a fervent woke movement throughout the nation’s armed forces. “Our research team did not expect to find Critical Race Theory so embedded and pervasive,” the center’s director, Donald T. Critchlow, an ASU American political history professor, writes in the introduction of a recently published report. He confirms that there is CRT and DEI training across the military from the Pentagon through the ranks. 

"It is important to note that the sole purpose of the U.S. armed forces is to defend the nation against external enemies, therefore the DOD’s mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure the country’s security. The agency is the government’s largest with 3.4 million service members and civilians—in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard—stationed at 4,800 sites in over 160 countries. Under the Biden administration the DOD budget for DEI training has increased significantly from $68 million in fiscal year 2022 to $86.5 million in fiscal year 2023, the report states. The agency is requesting a whopping $114.7 million for fiscal year 2024, according to DOD figures obtained by ASU researchers. “Training is implemented by a vast DEI bureaucracy that extends from senior leaders at the Pentagon to the lowest ranks,” the report says, adding that the “U.S. military now has a well-developed, taxpayer-funded DEI bureaucracy dedicated to rooting out ‘white privilege’ and white supremacy, and that allows for (and sometimes teaches) the overt criticism of the United States, its founding, its founders, and its founding documents, alleging that they are all rooted in systemic racism.”. . .

Hat tip to Harley Standlee; California

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