Monday, August 12, 2024

I will not forget how Kamala treated Judge Kavanaugh

 I will not forget how Kamala treated Judge Kavanaugh   Nothing but a schoolyard bully showing off before the other kids.

And neither will I

Sen. Harris' interrogation of Judge Kavanaugh was another stunt with no payoff – HotAir

. . ."First off, this absolutely was a trick question. The non-trick version of this question would be something like: ‘I’ve heard you spoke to person X about Muller’s investigation, is that true?’ All Harris had to do was offer up the name and this would have been much simpler. But she refused to do that. And because it was designed as a gotcha question, Kavanaugh treated it that way. But ultimately there was no gotcha.

"This whole thing reminds me of Sen. Harry Reid’s claim during the 2012 campaign, that Mitt Romney hadn’t paid taxes for a decade. That had (allegedly) come to Reid from someone in a position to know. Reid later said he had no regrets about spreading this lie because it worked, i.e. Romney lost the election. Someone should ask Sen. Harris if she’s trying to follow in Reid’s footsteps."

Why hasn't Kamala Harris been held accountable for the personal and as yet unproven accusations she made against Brett Kavanaugh? - Quora

Do you think the Brett Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford is telling the truth? - Quora

I've noticed a trend: whenever someone that the Left doesn't like is getting elected, appointed, or time with the wrong message, we are suddenly bombarded with accusations and testimonies of bad character.

Her intimidating look

Every. Single. Time.

Maybe it's true that every non- favored person is guilty of being a terrible person, but it seems more likely to me that these accusations are invented. It also seems more likely that both sides are full of bad actors and the side crying ‘Wolf!’ are just better at cover-ups.

When every single opponent is suddenly and clearly unfit, even ones previously lauded (everybody loved Joe Biden as VP, but now that he wants to fill the big chair, he's a racist monster?), you start thinking that maybe the problem is in the DNC, not the candidates that they oppose. Remember, they railroaded Hillary through the primaries last time at the expense of Sanders. There is precious little room for democracy in the Democratic party.

"I doubt she is intentionally sabotaging it, but you would think a prosecutor should be familiar with the law, and she certainly knows that impeachment of a SCJ ONLY applies to crimes that are committed while ON the bench (nor in HS or college). To date I have not heard of any offenses let alone any that rise to the level of impeachment.

"She should also know that investigation MUST proceed impeachment and in THIS country you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. Calling for impeachment flies in the face of this basic judicial tenant and has to be considered a willful act on the part of the educated prosecutor to ignore the law.

"I believe this is most likely her personal bias and her belief that she can do whatever she wants despite the law. Any time a prosecutor is this ignorant of the law, it disqualifies them in my mind as a presidential candidate. (or even as a local official)" . . .

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