Friday, August 9, 2024

Team Trump Has To Relentlessly Hammer On The Failed Biden-Harris Economy

 I & I Editorial Board  

[The media] know that if they ignore the economy as much as possible and downplay its low points when it isn’t possible, they can carry Harris all the way to the White House. That can be avoided, though, if Trump and the GOP repeatedly show how this administration has wrecked what under Trump had been a thriving economy. 

Tony Branco

 "It can’t be denied that Kamala Harris is a midwit, a jabbering cackler and an unaccomplished office holder, all of which should be pointed out aggressively between now and Nov. 5. But the Trump campaign has to make even more noise about the economy. James Carville was right when he famously said “it’s the economy, stupid,” and there’s much about this one that isn’t healthy. 

"Carville, a Bill Clinton strategist, insisted that the 1992 campaign to unseat President George H.W. Bush was about the country’s economy. As Nov. 3 approached, “Americans were in a sour mood about the direction of the economy and their family finances,” remembers economist Steve Moore, and “Clinton rode that voter anger and angst to his historic victory.”

"Of course he needed help and got it from the press, which, after relentlessly reporting bad economic news during the year, refused to tell the public that the short recession that began in July 1990 was over by March 1991, and that neither inflation nor unemployment were high.

"It was their in-kind contribution to Clinton, whom they saw as the heir to the American Camelot that had been put on hold after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

"History seems to repeating itself in the summer of 2024, with the media committed to doing their part for Harris (we’re will into our third week of Kamalot) while stopping Donald Trump. So this time they are going to hide the bad economic news to protect their candidate.

"This is where Trump’s camp and the Republican Party can help themselves, as well as this country. They need to incessantly and tirelessly:" . . .  Full article...

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