Thursday, September 5, 2024

IDF finds shaft to tunnel where bodies of hostages found in a kids' yard

  The Jerusalem Post (  

"The tunnel was hidden in a child's yard, a place where a child should be safe, and not used as a human shield for Hamas."

"In a published video, a soldier explained that the IDF received clear intelligence about the location of the tunnel shaft, leading the IDF to operate in that precise location."
No shame?

 Details of the operation

"The IDF retrieved the bodies of the hostages from a tunnel under the city of Rafah in Gaza. They were likely slaughtered by Hamas shortly before the IDF got to them in Rafah.

"The bodies were found only one kilometer from where Kaid Farhan al-Alkadi, age 52, from Rahat, was found last week. Since Alkadi was found, the IDF put out instructions to be extra careful in the area, but it is possible that Hamas killed the six, knowing that the military was close by and that the hostages might be taken by the IDF alive.' "

IDF Video Shows Entry To Rafah Tunnel Where 6 Slain Hostages Were Found| Children's Yard Hamas' Den?

"Do You Hold ALL Palestinians Culpable?" Douglas Murray on Israel-Hamas, Riots & More (    
Douglas is steadfast in his belief that Hamas is the central cause of the conflict, stating that the aim of Hamas is not a ceasefire, but the destruction of Israel; but Piers holds his feet to the fire. Piers makes the point that many Palestinians aren't supporters of Hamas but are dying anyway. Douglas concedes that he doesn't blame all Palestinians, but says that 'they elected Hamas'.

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