Monday, October 14, 2024

Only Israel can be attacked by terrorist armies on seven fronts and be labeled by the UN as the aggressor.

  I love Israel
🚨🚨 BREAKING NEWS : The UN wants this video to be removed from the internet, because it caught Hamas-UNRWA employee firing a guided missile from a UN school in Gaza. And they complain about killing of people in schools, hospitals and refugee camps! Follow us more news and facts.…

Let me explain to you the history of the Gaza Strip as clearly you have been misled by the lies and propaganda churned out by Hamas and swallowed hook, line and sinker by the main stream media and ignorant politicians.

When Israel was recognised as a State in 1948 EGYPT took control of the Gaza strip. In case you are unaware of this, Egypt is an independent Muslim country. So Egypt was in control of Gazan Muslims.

Egypt and Gaza share a border, so regardless of whether or not Gazans came into Israel (they did), they had no problem exiting and entering through Egypt. To say nothing of the fact that Gaza is on the Mediterranean Sea with a long coastline.

Egypt remained in control of Gaza until they and five other Arab countries decided to wipe Israel off the map in 1967. Unfortunately for them they failed.

Whilst Israel captured Gaza in 1967 they didn’t want it - but Egypt refused to take it back.

So a few thousand Israelis moved in alongside the Gazans/Palestinians and built State of the Art hothouses and other agricultural ventures which cost millions, which brought work for them and the Gazans.

When Hamas's people visit

The border with Egypt was of course still there, and hundreds of thousands of Gazans came into Israel to work.

In 2005 Israel pulled out of Gaza. That means all the Israelis, including of course many born there. they even dug up their dead. What they didn’t take were the State of the Art hothouses, now a thriving multi-million dollar enterprise.

The Gazans/Palestinians destroyed them in a single night.

Since 2005 hundreds of thousands of Gazans/Palestinians continued to come into work in Israel, whilst - after local elections - Hamas took over Gaza and sent thousands of missiles into Israel.

On October 7th 2023 Hamas sent three thousands evil terrorists into Israel to massacre, rape, butcher and behead innocent Israeli civilians. They also cruelly took hundreds of hostages, including babies, women, children, the sick and elderly.

It then emerged that in the time of a supposed “blockade” the Gazans/Palestinians had succeeded in obtaining enough concrete to build hundreds of miles of terror tunnels, equipped with enough supplies to sustain their “fighters” and had accrued enough weapons to still be attacking Israel and fighting the IDF more than ten months after the October 7th massacres.

So where exactly was this “jail” that was broken out of?

Here are some of the hostages the “brave freedom fighters” took captive. (Click on the pictures to see their innocent faces.)

Are they still alive? No-one knows. Not a single “humanitarian organisation” has made any contact. The UN is silent. The Red Cross is silent. Amnesty International is silent. The courts that deal with war crimes are silent.

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