Saturday, October 19, 2024

Tucker’s Interview With Elon Is Required Viewing for Everybody

Scott McKay: American Spectator 

  . . ."It’s a fascinating interview, and that’s hardly surprising given that Musk is a fascinating individual. He’s a truth-seeker and a curious man who examines things deeply in order to understand what makes them tick, and because of that, he’s now very interested in the morals and values that underlie society and its component institutions." . . . 

Ben Garrison

"There’s an ad circulating on the TV networks that you may have seen. It features a working-class union black guy who calls himself “Buddy,” and he says that he’s voting for Kamala Harris because Donald Trump wants to give tax breaks to billionaires and Buddy thinks that’s not cool.

"Somewhat conspicuously, when the ad starts in on how terrible it is for billionaires to get tax breaks, Team Kamala simply has to throw up a picture of Elon Musk in a tuxedo.

"Musk has now become the Left’s new Emmanuel Goldstein, the figure of the Two Minutes’ Hate that all of their votaries must condemn. And why? For the sin of having backed Trump.

"The dishonesty that underlies the ad isn’t hard to unpack, of course. Most of America’s billionaires are leftist ideologues, and for a number of reasons. First, the oldest and surest way to be a billionaire is to inherit a fortune of that size, and the descendants of the great 19th- and 20th-century captains of industry are quite plentiful.

"And what we know about the inheritors of great wealth is that their appreciation for the work that went into its creation is inversely proportional to their contribution to that process.

"It’s almost a cliche at this point that trust-fund babies are going to lean left. In fact, the capture of elite institutions by the Left, and particularly higher education institutions like those of the Ivy League, was done in no small part for this precise purpose. Indoctrinating the children of those Americans who created the immense fortunes that our rise to economic superpower status would inevitably produce into Marxist ideologues was the single greatest victory the Left has ever achieved. It’s allowed the Left to worm their way into positions of power and wealth that a sane nation would never knowingly choose to give them.

"Another reason most billionaires tend to be leftists is that the newer billionaires disproportionately come from the tech sector." . . .

As in, those sex pests and perverts of great means and influence who currently populate the flight logs to Jeffrey Epstein’s pedophile island. Musk notes that many of them are sizable donors to and influencers for Kamala Harris, and there is a reason for that — they want to stave off the otherwise inevitable reckoning that their past deeds would entitle them to.

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