Sunday, October 13, 2024

"When such people tell me they support Democrats I say, “Are you also a carnivorous vegetarian?' ”

 Kevin Finn  

"Evidently many of the so-called Catholic faithful also support the open border policies of the Biden administration. Centuries ago St. Thomas Aquinas put forth a well-thought out statement on immigration that is now widely ignored."  K.F.

"In a recent video, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, wearing a camouflage hat emblazoned with a Harris/Walz logo, fed Dorito chips to a kneeling left-wing media celebrity in what many consider a blasphemous parody of the Catholic Sacrament of Communion. Catholics believe that during the Mass, the bread and wine undergo a process called Transubstantiation in which they are changed into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. The bread, shaped into small discs called “hosts” are then distributed to the people who may receive them in the hand or on the tongue while standing or kneeling. Traditional Catholics prefer to receive on the tongue while they kneel.

"Watching a video of a virulently pro-abortion governor and celebrity mock this sacrament was deeply offensive to some Catholics. I say some, not many or all because a recent poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research found that,

64 percent of U.S. Catholics (and 40 percent of Catholic Republicans) agreed that abortion should be legal in most or all cases, almost identical to the 65 percent of all adult Americans who held that view. Only 25 percent of evangelical Protestants held this view, putting Catholics closer to those with no religious affiliation at all (87 percent of whom said abortion should be legal in most or all case) than to their fellow Christians.

"If there’s a shred of a silver lining here at all it is that only 40% of Catholic Republicans hold that view. One would assume that the majority of those Catholics supporting abortion are Democrats or are unaffiliated." . . .

Such as barrio gang members for one example? And recall the baptism scene in The Godfather? I have met personally a number of cult members at my door who have previously been Catholics led on by those with a distorted Bible translation and no knowledge of true Scriptures to resist them. TD

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