Friday, August 7, 2009
Ron Paul and the Dangers of Isolationism
"In his often recited critique of 9/11, Paul never once mentions the fiery rage of jihadi fundamentalism that aims to restore “the lost caliphate” and invoke medieval Sharia. In Paul’s world, resentment towards “U.S. entanglements” led a group of sexually repressed Muslim men, brought up on a doctrine of aggressive Wahhabism (and the promised 72 virgins), to crash two planes into the Twin Towers."
ObamaCare as a Moral Clunker
"Yes, there are many who are not insured and who cannot afford medical care. And yes, they often delay doing something about very real medical problems until they become more serious. That is a real problem. But the answer, while elusive, most certainly should not involve jeopardizing the viability of everyone else’s medical coverage and access to care, as ObamaCare indisputably does."
Questions for your health care town hall: Sec. 421
If you are self-employed or run a small firm, this is for you. Section 421 controls the credit supposedly provided for small businesses to provide their employees health insurance coverage.
Human Rights Watch calls Hamas rocketing war crime (almost)
"...But the report stopped short of clearly stating that Hamas militants were guilty of war crimes, with officials saying only a court could make that accusation."
A dead tango dance
"This guy was responsible for the death of Benazir Bhutto and any number of other bits of nastiness. Plus it validates what has been our most effective tactic against the extremists hiding where they have hoped we can't reach them in Pakistan. Over the past several years scores of Talib and AQ bad guys have been introduced to the fun of remotely launched precision strike weaponry. "
Health Care Reform: A Better Plan
by Charles Krauthammer
"Candidate John McCain and a host of other Republicans since have offered alternatives. Let me offer mine: Strip away current inefficiencies before remaking one-sixth of the U.S. economy. The plan is so simple it doesn't even have the requisite three parts. Just two: radical tort reform and radically severing the link between health insurance and employment. "
Shame: Former U.S. president kow tows to an evil regime
"It appears highly likely that another ignominious chapter in U.S. relations with North Korea
has opened with President William Jefferson Clinton’s “mission” to rescue two captured young American female journalists. As the relief, cheers, and good wishes ring out, the reality of what has happened may become all too self evident."
Firing up the leftist base
"I've been watching the media onslaught aimed at these townhall protesters, and now think I understand why we saw a huge pickup in coverage on the birth certificate controversy over the last 2 weeks. Media Matters and other 527s, like Moveon, send daily communiqués to left-leaning media with their issues highlighted, and talking points suggested. "
Obama looses labor thugs on tea party town hall protestors
"It couldn't be any clearer that the goal of the labor thugs is to intimidate people from coming to these town hall meetings unless they are supporters of the president. Obama's labor brown shirts will continue these tactics unless the president himself calls them off.And given the perilous condition of his health care reform bill, there isn't much chance of that happening."
By Neal Boortz
"..."The principal battleground in the campaign will be town hall meetings and other gatherings with members of Congress in their home districts ... We want your help to organize major union participation to counter the right-wing 'Tea-Party Patriots' who will try to disrupt those meetings, as they've been trying to do to meetings for the last month.""
‘You Are Terrifying Us’ ; Voters send a message to Washington, and get an ugly response.
By Peggy Noonan
"They are mocking and menacing concerned citizens. This only makes a hot situation hotter. Is this what the president wants? It couldn’t be. But then in an odd way he sometimes seems not to have fully absorbed the awesome stature of his office. You really, if you’re president, can’t call an individual American stupid, if for no other reason than that you’re too big. You cannot allow your allies to call people protesting a health-care plan “extremists” and “right wing,” or bought, or Nazi-like, either. They’re citizens."
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