Thursday, September 17, 2009

The President’s Promise Not to Insure Illegal Immigrants Isn’t as Simple as it Sounds

ABC News "The President says he won’t extend health care benefits to illegal immigrants through the health care reform bill that he ultimately signs. But he may do so indirectly through immigration reform."

Now Wait Just One Minute . . .

By Victor Davis Hanson "The present poisoned atmosphere began in the 1980s and 1990s with virulent partisan attacks on Reagan and Clinton. But it was between 2004 and 2008 that the Left introduced a particularly sick sort of hatred to the political give-and-take, reminiscent of the lunatic right during the mid-1950s."

Three-Part Disharmony

By Charlie Cook "To my way of thinking, many of the unprecedented actions that the Bush administration took in its last four months and that Obama took in his first few months as president were necessary to prevent a worldwide economic collapse. But that view is not widely shared and, thus, is of no solace to those alarmed by what they see as an ineffectual federal government expanding far beyond its competence."

Voters Turn Negative On All Political Labels Except Reagan

Rasmussen " "Progressive” is becoming more of a dirty word....“Liberal” is still the worst and remains the only political description that is viewed more negatively than positively. Being like Reagan is still the most positive thing you can say about a candidate."

Chuck Asay cartoon


When Jimmy Carter ginned up race hatred to get elected governor

Rick Moran "Readers should refer to Stephen Hayward's The Real Jimmy Carter if they want a taste of the out-and-out racism that Carter employed in order to defeat moderate former Gov. Carl Sanders for the Democratic nomination that year. As Hayward's book points out:..."

Mainstream Media Fears Where Stories They Ignore May Lead

Breitbart "So you bet they’re terrified. And who can blame them? If you were an ideologue willing to sell your legacy as a journalist down the river for a first love named Bloated Government you’d be terrified too."

CBO analysis of the Baucus healthcare plan

CBO Blog "Among other things, the Chairman’s proposal would establish a mandate for most legal residents of the United States to obtain health insurance; set up insurance “exchanges” through which certain individuals and families could receive federal subsidies to substantially reduce the cost of purchasing that coverage; significantly expand eligibility for Medicaid; substantially reduce the growth of Medicare’s payment rates for most services..."


CBS News "The Obama Administration has privately concluded that a cap and trade law would cost American taxpayers up to $200 billion a year, the equivalent of hiking personal income taxes by about 15 percent."

Georgia Pharisee

NRO= "The inescapable conclusion is that Mr. Carter has defective judgment. We already knew that: We’ve known it since he clenched his fist and proclaimed energy conservation the “moral equivalent of war” while clad in a sweater. We’ve known it since his disastrous economic policies further impoverished the poor while he smugly posed as their champion. And he has gone from hammering nails into Habitat for Humanity houses to hammering what remains of his reputation to smithereens. The nation was poorer for his presidency and is poorer still for his emeritus shenanigans."


Boortz "The voters out there looking at you may have no personal problem with you at all. But there's this lingering fear ... a fear born of the likes of Jimmy Carter, James Clyburn, Maureen Dowd, Howard Dean, Newsweek Magazine, The New York Times and others ... the fear that if these voters ever find it necessary to question or to object to something you do in office, they're going to be branded racists."

Waters: Protesters should be probed for “racist” thoughts

Hot Air "MS-NBC practically has recast itself as the Thought Police Network, with interminable paranoid segments about latent racism in the opposition to Barack Obama and the Democrats. Jimmy Carter’s own huge double standard on criticism has gotten plenty of play on all the networks. " More here: YET ANOTHER BRAINDEAD POLITICIAN