Sunday, November 8, 2009

Graham: House Bill "D.O.A." in the Senate

CBS News "Graham argued that the House bill was "written for liberals, by liberals. "Just look at how it passed; it passed 220 to 215. It passed by two votes. You had [39] Democrats vote against the bill," " Hope for the best; expect the worst.

Hasan attended same mosque as two 9/11 hijackers

Thomas Lifson "The preacher at the time was Anwar al-Awlaki, an American-born Yemeni scholar who was banned from addressing a meeting in London by video link in August because he is accused of supporting attacks on British troops and backing terrorist organisations. Hasan's eyes "lit up" when he mentioned his deep respect for al-Awlaki's teachings, according to a fellow Muslim officer at the Fort Hood base in Texas, the scene of Thursday's horrific shooting spree." Update "His failed search for a wife seemed to haunt Hasan. At the Muslim Community Centre in the Washington suburb of Silver Spring, he signed up for an Islamic matchmaking service, specifying that he wanted a bride who wore the hijab and prayed five times a day."

How Now Blue Cao?

American Thinker Michelle Malkin wrote: "For what it is worth, here is the cheap price the Democrats paid for Cao's vote:..."...."He obtained a "commitment from President Obama." You know what that's worth: Nothing."

Napolitano's terrorist radar screen

American Thinker "It seems that Major Hasan's behavior raised no official eyebrows despite his outspoken views and possible links to radical extremism. In a world of political correctness and irrational fear of even the appearance of profiling, did concern for not offending Hasan's Muslim faith trump the numerous red flags that are littered in his deadly wake? Despite subsequent apologies and denials to the contrary, The Dept of Homeland Security led by Janet Napolitano profiled conservative Americans as potential domestic terrorists:"

From China: Recent Shootings May Push Obama Over The Edge

Watching America Interesting, but be aware of the communist perspective in this article.

The President Of The United States Calls Anti-PelosiCare Protesters 'The Teabag, Anti-Government' 'Extremists'...

NY Times h/t to Weasel Zippers "NYT LIES To Cover Up Owen's Immediate Flip-Flop On ObamaCare Says His Support Was 'Unabashed' During Campaign..."

Liberty Dies… To Thunderous Applause

Gateway Pundit "The Blog Prof and Below the Beltway nail it." Videos.

Bloodless President Barack Obama makes Americans wistful for George W Bush

UK Telegraph "In a sign that the Obama honeymoon truly is over, I began to hear this week the first stirrings of a wistfulness about Mr Bush. "I never thought I'd hear myself say it," one Democrat told me. "But Obama makes you feel that at least with Bush you knew where he was on something.""...."Completely missing was the eloquence that Mr Obama employs when talking about himself. Absent too was any sense that the President empathised with the families and comrades of those murdered. "

House narrowly passes landmark health care bill

MyWay News "The bill drew the votes of 219 Democrats and Rep. Joseph Cao, a first-term Republican who holds an overwhelmingly Democratic seat in New Orleans. Opposed were 176 Republicans and 39 Democrats." Who is Joseph Cao? "Cao's district voted 75%-23% for Barack Obama in 2008..."

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Muslim leader had troubling talks with suspect

MyWay News "Osman Danquah, co-founder of the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen, said he was disturbed by Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan's persistent questioning and recommended the mosque reject Hasan's request to become a lay Muslim leader at the sprawling Army post."

Fort Hood: A now familiar horror story.

By Victor Davis Hanson "The more a Palestinian imam promises us our death, the more the Iranian president promises a world without America, the more these al Qaedists, like the most recent keystone clowns at Fort Dix, do their small part in trying to reify such mad rhetoric, and the more the sophisticated apologists assure us that we, not they, are the real threat, the more likely the sofa-sitting, channel-surfing American will some day very soon blow up, rather than be blown up."

Ft Hood mosque member defends shootings: "they were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them."

JAWA Report "What are your thoughts towards those that were victims in this?" Duane : "They were, in the end, they were troops who were going to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Muslims. I honestly have no pity for them. It's just like the majority of the people that will hear this, after five or six minutes they'll be shocked, after that they'll forget about them and go on their day."