Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Monica's boyfriend says "We are winning"

Politico "Whitehouse quoted Clinton arguing: "The reason the tea-baggers are so inflamed is because we are winning." Clinton’s overall message was one the Obama administration has tried to make: not passing a bill is the worst thing Democrats could do."

Mosque Leaders Part of Fort Hood 'Healing Process' at Memorial Service

ABC News  "Leaders from the mosque where alleged shooter Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan worshipped are on their way today to Fort Hood to attend the memorial service in a move some hope will help ease suspicion and anger between Muslims and the military base, still reeling from last week's tragedy."

Reframing the Ft. Hood massacre

Thomas Lifson in AT "President Obama's visit today to the Ft. Hood service is another attempt reframe the story and move on so that the memory will fade. Expect to see the following words and concepts emphasized in the President's rhetoric today and by lapdog media commentators:" Fort Hood Suspect Warned of Muslim Threat Within Military Fox "The Army psychiatrist suspected of killing 13 people at Fort Hood reportedly warned senior Army physicians in 2007 that the military should allow Muslim soldiers to be released as conscientious objectors instead of fighting in wars to avoid "adverse events."" Related: AND WHO'S IN CHARGE OF INTELLIGENCE? AND WHO'S IN CHARGE OF INTELLIGENCE? Boortz "Our intelligence agencies work under which branch of government? That would be the executive branch. The boss would be Barack Obama. Now ... do you think we're getting the full story on Nidal Hasan from the Obama administration? "

Really General Casey?

Blackfive "Now add the final ingredient: A General of the Army who says that losing diversity would be a greater loss than 13 dead and 29 wounded. And you wonder why no one was willing to step forward and make a formal complaint or notice about a killer who was very open about who and what he was? You wonder why no one pushed the obvious investigations, from the FBI on?"

Which one was the Department of Homeland Security concerned about?

Semper Films: The Top Ten Marine Corps Movies

Big Hollywood  "My beloved United States Army is a blunt instrument, a magnificent club that has pummels our nation’s enemies into submission. But the Marines are America’s rapier, a razor sharp weapon of war that has never been bested and never will be."...."With the indulgence of my Devil Dog brethren, here is this Army veteran’s countdown of the Top Ten Marine Corp movies:"

Not enough about him? Barack Obama skips Berlin Wall ceremonies

UK Telegraph That would be England. "Perhaps Obama felt that celebrating the role of the United States in bringing down the wall would be a bit triumphalist and not quite in keeping with his wish to present America as a declining world power anxious to apologise for sundry historic misdeeds. Maybe he didn’t really want to be associated with that warmonger Ronald Reagan..."


By Neal Boortz "As usual, I have a better idea. Tie him to a post in the middle of a field. Tell him that he is going to be shot through the heart ... but don't tell him when."


Boortz "We had similar behavior from some of the 9/11 Islamic murderers. If they think that their 72 virgins are going to look anything like those women at the strip club, they're going to be mighty disappointed. Who said they would be women?"

Mallard Fillmore; Jewish World Review

Dare to Call It Terrorism; The FBI will not admit that what happened in Texas is part of the jihad.

By Andrew C. McCarthy "If all the terrorists are Muslims and all the terrorists say scriptures that plainly command killing are inspiring them to kill, how could Islam be an asset? Don’t go spoiling a feel-good theory by asking a lot of questions — that would be almost like an investigation, and when it comes to Islam, the FBI doesn’t do investigation."

Happy birthday, Marines

Hat tip to Lucianne