Friday, November 27, 2009

Acorn Document Dump

Big Government "The documents were thrown out in advance of state investigators arriving at the local ACORN office to conduct an investigation resulting from national media attention. ACORN employee Juan Carlos Vera was videotaped giving advice to two individuals posing as a pimp and a prostitute regarding underage prostitution and human smuggling. Without admitting any wrongdoing ACORN terminated Mr. Vera, or so they said. Documents provided to show that Mr. Vera was not terminated but was simply laid off, implying that Mr. Vera is also eligible for rehire."

Pat Buchanan: Our Pushover President

CNS News "America will survive such irritants. But they are symptomatic of something larger: the mounting disrespect Obama and America are receiving from friend and adversary alike."

Top 20 Automotive Tips for Gonzo Repairs

Popular Mechanics h/t to Instapundit; "Here, auto editor Mike Allen compiles his top 20 outside-the-toolbox tips for gonzo repairs on cars, trucks, lawnmowers and anything else that has an engine."

Karl Rove and Greta Van Susteren Discuss Sarah Palin's Future

Newsbusters "Early on in this "On the Record" segment, Rove made a statement about the former Alaska governor that's guaranteed to anger liberals across the fruited plain:"

"You ain't seen nuthin yet"

Atlas Shrugs "After announcing a new strategy of counterinsurgency in March, and appointing Gen. Stanley McChrystal the new supreme commander in Afghanistan, it looks like Obama only now will commit more troops to Afghanistan. That will be a wise decision — but one coming three months after the generals’ request.We were given an unexpected reprieve through the defeat of al-Qaeda in Iraq. We can now build on that victory by routing the Taliban in the way the Iraq surge stabilized democracy there." Then the article's outlook goes downhill from there....

How to Forge a Consensus

WSJ "According to this privileged group, only those whose work has been published in select scientific journals, after having gone through the "peer-review" process, can be relied on to critique the science. And sure enough, any challenges that critics have lobbed at climatologists from outside this clique are routinely dismissed and disparaged. "

The Competing Narratives of Barry and Sarah

American Thinker "In the final analysis, Going Rogue is a better book than Dreams. No Republican has ever held Palin up as a genius, literary or otherwise, but her narrative is as shrewd, sensitive, and straightforward as its author. Dreams, on the other hand, is merely a well-crafted fraud."

John Stossel: We Pay Them to Lie to Us

RealClearPolitics "The key to magic is misdirection, fooling the audience into looking in the wrong direction. I happily suspend disbelief when a magician says he'll saw a woman in half. That's entertainment. But when Harry Reid says he'll give 30 million additional people health coverage while cutting the deficit, improving health care and reducing its cost, it's not entertaining. It's incredible."

Giving Terrorists More Rights Than Our American Warriors

Chris Muir h/t to Blackfive

Obama: Give Back Your Nobel Until the Iranians Give Back Shirin Ebadi’s

Ron Rosenbaum , Pajamas Media; "But the revolting action by the fascist Iranian thugocracy in breaking into Nobel Peace Prize winner Shirin Ebadi’s safe deposit box in Tehran and stealing her Nobel prize symbolizes all that is petty, ugly, sinister and repulsive about the Iranian dictatorship. It’s not just a violation of her person; it’s a violation of all who believe in human rights."

Liberals Vow to 'Spank' Obama for Sending More Troops to Afghanistan

Fox News ""I think there will be some disillusionment within his base," said Paul Kawika Martin, political director for Peace Action, a grassroots organization, who added that thousands of activists are planning to protest following the president's announcement. "We're going to spank him for sending more troops," he told, adding that they may also "thank him" if he announces a quick exit strategy."

Climategate e-mails sweep America, may scuttle Barack Obama's Cap and Trade laws

UK Telegraph  "Fox News, Barack Obama’s Nemesis, is now on the case, trampling all over Al Gore’s organic vegetable patch and breaking the White House windows. It has extracted some of the juiciest quotes from the e-mails and displayed them on-screen, with commentaries. Joe Public, coast-to-coast, now knows, thanks to the clowns at East Anglia’s CRU, just how royally he has been screwed."