Friday, February 12, 2010

Blizzard of Lies: Debunking The Warm-Air-Holds-More-Moisture Defense

Newsbusters "Bottom line: the temperature was colder than average on every one of the snow days. On average the snow days were about eight degrees colder than average. To spin these facts as proof that the blizzards are evidence of global warming because "warm air holds more moisture" is bunk."

Biden And Iraq – The Tale Of The Tapes

Sweetness & Light "But it should be clear by now that that Mr. Biden and the rest of this administration will lie about anything." And this from a pro-military site: Blackfive "This is uncredible. Joe Biden & Robert Gibbs claiming credit for the Obama team winning the Iraq War. These people are impossible to parody and shameless beyond belief. Obvious content warning."

Blaming Bush for the Deficit Is Getting Old

Jennifer Rubin "So far, on the budget (as on so much else), he has come up wanting. There is no policy innovation, no debunking of liberal dogma, and no willingness to embrace the best of his opponents’ ideas. So we can understand why George W. Bush is a favorite crutch." Figures. Obama “Misrepresents” Republican 2009 Filibuster Record "The president will say anything to advance a narrative that makes him a victim of obstruction. It is clear that 2010 will be spent pivoting from his 2009 mantra of Bush’s fault to his campaign year blasts at the “do nothing Republicans.” "


Neal Boortz " don't increase demand for a product by offering a tax credit for new employees. You may get a new employee but they will have nothing to produce if there is no need for the product."


Neal Boortz "...and since the government does not create wealth but merely takes it at the point of a gun ... he is going to need the force of government to get the money. A lot of it. More than he can get his hands on merely by taxing the evil rich."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

BLACK REPUBLICAN WOMEN speak out against Obama and radical Islam

BareNakedIslam "There is no better conservative than a black conservative. Having the guts to go against the majority African-American population is courage beyond imagination. Taking on Islam as well makes this group worthy of our greatest respect and admiration."

A Mistake, Not a Precedent

Andrew McCarthy, NRO "In those dire circumstances, Abdulmuttalab fell into our laps. He is a committed terrorist who, by all accounts, is very intelligent, was in Yemen for four months, knows lots of the players, and is clued in on the terror network’s ongoing plans. In short, he’s the kind of dream source an intelligence-starved agent desperately needs and would want to grill for months.Obama, instead, had him Mirandized and lawyered up. That was extraordinarily irresponsible. Pointing to Richard Reid is not a validation of recklessness. It is a demonstration that the president doesn’t get it."

Report from Afghanistan

Michael Yon "When the Soviet hammer tried to crack the Afghan rock, the hammer shattered. The Soviets can easily put people in space and keep them there, but they couldn’t handle backdoor logistics during their Afghan war. It’s easier to keep people in space than to supply our war here."

The Disarming of America

Weekly Standard "...the Obama administration wants to limit future American military “adventurism” by limiting our capabilities. The president is looking to eliminate the last vestiges of the Reagan-era buildup. Once the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are “ended” (not “won”), the arms control treaties signed, and defense budgets held at historic lows while social entitlements and debt service rise to near-European levels, the era of American superpower will have passed."...."The QDR’s formulation of “America’s global role” is telling: “America’s interests are inextricably linked to the integrity and resilience of the international system.” This stands American strategic culture on its head; past presidents saw that the integrity of the international system depended upon the resilience of American power."

The Assault on Paul Ryan's Roadmap, Cont.

Weekly Standard "The second charge against the Roadmap is that "ends Medicare as we know it." Yes, but only for Americans 55 or younger -- these are the same people, in other words, who face a fiscal nightmare as entitlement spending surges in the coming decades and Medicare and Social Security become insolvent."

Rivals try to pin Sept. 11 slip on Debra Medina

Politico "But Medina’s slip Thursday — telling conservative talk show host Glenn Beck that “good questions have been raised” about the federal government having a hand in the terrorist attacks — has Perry and Hutchison smelling blood in the water and hoping to crush the insurgent candidate." CS Monitor After that, Beck politely thanked Medina for appearing on his program and dismissed her future political hopes. "I think I can write her off the list," he said. "Let me take another look at [candidate] Kay Bailey Hutchison, if I have to." "Rick, I think you and I could French kiss right now," he said of Texas's current governor, Rick Perry who is running for re-election.

ACORN Asks for $$$$ to “Help Us to Keep the Pressure on O’Keefe”

ACORN "Back when he was stalking ACORN acorss (sic) the country, he videotaped ACORN folks without their consent. And that's illegal in Maryland and California, two states targeted. Now that he's proven that his law-breaking isn't a one-shot deal, we are demanding..."