Friday, March 26, 2010
Pete Wehner refutes the tired "Bush lied" line
Politics Daily "A careful analysis of several of these charges will reveal, I think, how remarkably weak and misleading is the case that supposedly "proves" George W. Bush took America to war based on a pack of lies. For more, read on. (Because of the unusual length of this response, I'm dealing with just five of Corn's main charges.)"
Demonizing Everyday Americans
Big Government "There appears to be a concerted effort among the political Left and many mainstream media people to demonize and marginalize the expanding citizen-based movement known as the tea party movement. This effort flows from both a fear of what these tea parties represent and a contempt for everyday Americans. But those ordinary citizens are poised to be the ones laughing when it’s all over, when democracy takes its course."
Accusations Fly Between Parties Over Threats and Vandalism
NY Times "Representative Jean Schmidt, Republican of Ohio, released a profanity-laced voicemail message left in her Ohio office in which the caller accused Republicans of racism for blocking the health care measure, said he wished Ms. Schmidt had broken her back in a car accident and said he would have shot anyone who spit on him during weekend protests at the Capitol. “We released this call to show that is not just Democrats receiving them,” said Bruce Pflaff, a spokesman for Ms. Schmidt."
Obama in extraordinary snub to Bibi
American Thinker "Our president, however, is out to change America. So when Obama turns that notion on its head and starts treating our friends like enemies and our enemies like old buddies, it came as something of a surprise. And being fairly slow on the uptake, I didn't grasp the enormity of the danger that such a poicy represents - until now."
When Will Liberals Give the Tea Party the Same Respect They Give Radical Islam?
American Thinker "Every time some Muslim blows up a plane, or a train, or kills innocent people, we hear from the Left how we should not judge all Muslims because of a few extremists. Our current President tells us, not to "jump to conclusions." Talking heads on TV try to calm us down and reassure us that Islam is the "Religion of Peace." Yet these same politicians and liberal media hacks are going on a rampage attacking their fellow Americans because allegedly a few used racial slurs at a Tea Party protest (with no corroboration from numerous video recordings). "
Another Partisan Push for Another 'Comprehensive Reform'?
Victor Davis Hanson "In response, the administration may trump the healthcare debate with another divisive issue — "comprehensive reform" on immigration — that is surely just as "politically unpopular."After the failure of the polarizing cap-and-trade bill, and the current blood-on-the-floor fight over "comprehensive healthcare reform," tackling illegal immigration right now would be a political nightmare."
Danger Ahead: Obama Jumped the Shark, But Didn’t Drown
Pajamas Media "What we have here in America today is a real-life jump-the-shark drama, starring a super-narcissistic president so desperate to create his own vainglorious legacy that he is willing to destroy his own political party and do enduring damage to his country in pursuit of his purely selfish ends. Standing in arrogant defiance of the will of the American citizenry, Barack Obama — Narcissus incarnate — pulled every dirty trick in the corrupt politician’s playbook to save his floundering presidency for the glory of the five minutes it took him to sign his ill-gotten prize."
Thursday, March 25, 2010
As Predictable As the Sun Rising
Victor Davis Hanson "No, entitlements subsidize the good consumer life of both the poorer and the middle class. Go to the poorest section of a poor county in a bankrupt state (e.g., 2 miles from my residence), and the electronic and warehouse discount stores are crammed with the shopping “poor” "...
High Drama Amid ObamaCare Threats
Pajamas Media "Real threats, of real violence, certainly can’t be tolerated. But calling national press conferences to take advantage of what were, after all, pretty normal nasty phone calls, for purposes of political theater, doesn’t improve the situation. Instead, it exaggerates, it exacerbates, and increase the risk to everyone."
The Spit Heard Round The World
Jack Cashill "What Cleaver does not fully share with Milloy is that he turned and stuck his finger in the man's face, which may account for the man's continued anger. Not knowing this, Milloy recounts Cleaver's background as a preacher and compliments him for his magisterial restraint, "Have mercy. The preacher walks the walk." "...."And so, alas, it goes. The Civil Rights movement, which was born in tragedy, appears destined to die as farce. "
Was Obama's confrontation with Israel premeditated?
Yossi Klein Halevi "Though Palestinian leaders negotiated with Israeli governments that built extensively in the West Bank, they now refused to sit down with the first Israeli government to actually agree to a suspension of building. Obama's demand for a building freeze in Jerusalem led to a freeze in negotiations. Finally, after intensive efforts, the administration produced the pathetic achievement of "proximity talks"—setting Palestinian-Israeli negotiations back a generation, to the time when Palestinian leaders refused to sit at the same table with Israelis.
That Obama could be guilty of such amateurishness was perhaps forgivable because he was, after all, an amateur. But he has now taken his failed policy and intensified it."
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