Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Response to the President Obama’s Earth Day Message

Heritage "Take the Endangered Species Act, for instance, which creates perverse incentives for landowners to destroy their land if endangered species become an economic liability. Jonathan Adler, law professor at Case Western, explains,"...

On the road

Blogging will be a bit slower for a couple of days since we are somewhere alone US 40. This location has very slw wi-fi


Boortz "Now he tells us. Obama can't let the Bush tax cuts expire because of the deficit that he inherited. Isn't that convenient? We can spend a trillion dollars on a government takeover of healthcare but god-forbid we let rich people keep more of the money they earn ... we need that money in order to pay down the deficit! Somehow the money that is used (or borrowed) to pay for the Democrat agenda is more legitimate than the money earned by hard-working Americans simply because the government believes they earn "too much." "

Economic Freedom Will Save the Earth

Heritage "The left in this country has always considered it “tragic” when people make money in this country, and the plight of the earth is just one of many justifications they have used over the years to demonize free markets."

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Crony Capitalist Threat to Our Economic Freedom

Heritage   Quoting the Wall Street Journal: "Distorted prices and interest rates no longer serve as accurate indicators of the relative importance of goods. Crony capitalism ensures the special access of protected firms and industries to capital. Businesses that stumble in the process of doing what is politically favored are bailed out. That leads to moral hazard and more bailouts in the future. And those losing money may be enabled to hide it by accounting chicanery."

Wouldn't A Mini Series on Attila the Hun Explain Nancy Pelosi?

Ann Coulter "Rachel Maddow's MSNBC special on Timothy McVeigh this past Monday night did not come a moment too soon. As Maddow explained in the introduction to her show: "Nine years after his execution, we are left worrying that Timothy McVeigh's voice from the grave echoes in the new rising tide of American anti-government extremism." "  "After months of hysterically warning viewers that cheerful, well-dressed tea partiers carrying "I Can See November From My House" signs could suddenly erupt into wanton violence, MSNBC finally had proof: Timothy McVeigh. "

Obama and the New Civility

Victor Davis Hanson  "It will be considered childish to caricature a stressed president for mangling his words, whether “nucular” or “corpseman.” If, from time to time, the commander-in-chief flubs up and says something stupid like Bush’s “Is our children learning?” or Obama’s “Cinco de Quatro,” we have learned to accept that such slips are hardly reflective of a lack of knowledge. The old “gotcha” game is puerile and, thankfully, is now a thing of the past."

The New Front in the War on Wealth

American Thinker "And per the Swiss-American Chamber of Commerce, "A lot of banks simply will not be able to do business in the US and that would cause considerable damage to the US economy." "...."Therefore, foreign investors viewing the overall landscape of what was once the preeminent nation for investment will not subject themselves to the machinations of the IRS and other enforcement agencies, which have been given unlimited power to broadly interpret regulatory bills passed by this Congress and signed by President Obama."

Progressives in America

Big Government  Alexis de Tocqueville traveled to the United States of America in 1831 ... One result of those travels was a rather prophetic study of American society, “Democracy in America.”:...."What Sort of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear"...."It is therefore most especially in the present democratic times, that the true friends of the liberty and the greatness of man ought constantly to be on the alert, to prevent the power of government from lightly sacrificing the private rights of individuals to the general executions of its designs."

Clinton Holds Tea Party to Higher Standards Than Islam

The Razor "Yet while Clinton, Obama and the mainstream press have no problem linking every politically motivated incident with their political opponents, they have not held Muslims to the same standards. Even during his own administration that averaged over one terrorist attack a year perpetrated by a Muslim, Clinton and his administration never dared equated the actions of the radicals with the broader religion they claimed to be acting in the name of."

Ordinary people view Rush as a dangerous Svengali *UPDATED*

Bookworm Room "It’s also very frustrating to me because, in a funny way, I agree with my liberal friends that Rush can rejigger their world view very quickly. The only thing is that I don’t believe Rush works his magic through hypnotism and trickery. Instead, I think Rush’s real magic lies in his ability to view the political world as a vast chess board, one on which he can see multiple future moves; his prodigious memory; his well-informed mind; his logical analyses; and his funny persona. He convinces by appealing to our rational mind, our sense of humor, and our knowledge of the world as it is, and not as some Ivory Tower liberal tells us it should be." H/t to Rush Limbaugh. We had to hear this from Rush because I didn't get to blog this morning.

Now It Begins - Dems Push For Criminal Charges Against Goldman Sachs

Legal Insurrection "Civil charges can put pressure on a firm and industry, and in themselves can be destructive. Regardless of the SEC's subjective motivation, objectively the Democrats use of the charges as an excuse to push through legislation seems to fit a pattern of bullying private industry. Now the bullying is being raised to a whole new level, as Democrats in Congress are calling for a criminal investigation of Goldman Sachs:"...William A. Jacobson;  Associate Clinical Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY