1. Sympathy for Obama? "Needless to say, Chairman Mao, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, Robert Mugabe, Louis Farrakhan and Rev. Jeremiah Wright never had to deal with an oil spill. And there's certainly no mention of any such thing in the Most Holy Qur'an; not a single sura. So one can't really blame poor Barack for seeming to not know anything about oil spills. In this particular case, he doesn't have a single model to follow." American Thinker........
2. White House in Disarray "To be sure, the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is a disaster. BP must bear the economic costs of cleaning up its mess and the cause of the spill must be found. But now is not the time for President Obama to turn an environmental tragedy into an economic disaster. " Heritage. ......3. Obama struggling to show he's in control of oil spill "This is the familiar Obama: resolute and in charge. But six weeks after the spill began, those words seemed to highlight the difficulty he has had in convincing the country that he is on top of the situation. As oil continues to foul the gulf, the conflicting signals coming from the president and his team have imperiled his reputation for competence and coolness in the face of crisis." WaPo; Karen Tumulty.....
4. Obama's Modesty: At Least I Never Said 'Drill, Baby, Drill' "Nevermind that there's a place called ANWR--where it's much safer to drill--that Obama wants to keep off limits." Weekly Stndard.....
5. He Was Supposed to Be Competent "The spill is a disaster for the president and his political philosophy." Peggy Noonan, WSJ....
6. A frustrated White House press corps bites the hand that feeds it "A press corps that was accused early in his administration of treating him with kid gloves has grown increasingly critical of its limited access to him, and the result Thursday was an aggressive and skeptical line of inquiry." McClatchy...
Mike Ramirez cartoon; IBD