Michael Gerson "Freedom of religious worship and expression is essential to human dignity -- which makes blocking the construction of a mosque for religious reasons a violation of Christian belief. And zoning laws in Mecca or Riyadh have nothing to do with this principle.
"Religious tribalism -- dividing the children of light from the children of darkness -- is a problem in many traditions. But a reaction in kind from conservative Christians would manage to undermine their interests and their convictions at the same time."
The Texas Baptist Newsjournal :
Quran burning condemned "Evangelical leaders said the plans should be canceled.
“The proposed burning of Qurans would be profoundly offensive to Muslims worldwide, just as Christians would be insulted by the burning of Bibles,” an NAE statement said. “Such an act would escalate tensions between members of the two faiths in the United States and around the world.”
Step One -- Opposing the Burning of the Qur'an "1. If he does, the images will reverberate on the internet internationally, and this could lead to unparalled fury in the Muslim world. How many deaths, injuries, persecutions, burning of churches and attacks on U.S. interests and American citizens might result?
"2. The Gospel would thus be slandered."
We Give No Offense In Anything "
2 Corinthians 6:3 "We must be careful that our presentation of the gospel is not offensive. We must give equal diligence to insure that our lives are not offensive. Paul made it his aim to not allow anything to offend so as to hinder the spread of the gospel or the spiritual growth of his brethren. How sad to think that one thoughtless action might cancel all the many positive efforts put forth in the cause of Christ."
The Expository Files