Danger Room "The WMD diehards will likely find some comfort in these newly-WikiLeaked documents. Skeptics will note that these relatively small WMD stockpiles were hardly the kind of grave danger that the Bush administration presented in the run-up to the war.
"But the more salient issue may be how insurgents and Islamic extremists (possibly with the help of Iran) attempted to use these lethal and exotic arms. As Spencer noted earlier, a January 2006 war log claims that “neuroparalytic” chemical weapons were smuggled in from Iran." Via Gateway Pundit: Wikileak’s Papers Reveal US Troops Did Find WMD in Iraq
Wikileaks: how Iran devised new suicide vest for al-Qaeda to use in Iraq In one of the most tantalising documents, they also hint at Iranian involvement in al-Qaeda suicide bombing. Via Lucianne.
The New York Times Hearts WikiLeaks, Again "It’s rather ironic that in chronicling documents that are supposed to expand our knowledge about the Iraq War, Tavernise and Lehren actually detract from any public understanding of this vital subject." By Max Boot in Commentary
Wikileaks: how Iran devised new suicide vest for al-Qaeda to use in Iraq In one of the most tantalising documents, they also hint at Iranian involvement in al-Qaeda suicide bombing. Via Lucianne.
The New York Times Hearts WikiLeaks, Again "It’s rather ironic that in chronicling documents that are supposed to expand our knowledge about the Iraq War, Tavernise and Lehren actually detract from any public understanding of this vital subject." By Max Boot in Commentary