We anxiously await the cartoons that will follow this.
Jennifer Rubin "But he was on a roll with zingers like this: “We’re not going to be able to solve our problems if we get distracted by sideshows and carnival barkers.”And then he flew off to do the Oprah show in Chicago.Yeah." ....
"Obama is apparently impervious to sound advice. For what other explanation could there be for his decision to join the carnival? I mean, there had to have been people in the White House who thought this was a daft idea, right?"
Video: Obama explains timing of birth-cert release "Via Tommy Christopher at
Mediate, be prepared to see Barack Obama the happiest he’s been in public in a long while, perhaps since taking office. And why not? In one fell swoop, Obama gets to paint his opponents as nutcases, tweak the press for their sudden obsession over the circumstances of his birth while we move from one government-shutdown deadline to the next, and act like the grown-up in the room.
The Birth Certificate – A Teaching Moment "This doesn’t mean I don’t think the press haven’t hidden or deliberately been disinterested in plenty of important details about Barack Obama (his education, political relationships, etc.) that we should know about, but stick to those that have true policy implications. Here’s one we have all known about for a few years – the unreleased Khalidi tapes, currently in the hands of the LA Times. With the Middle East in turmoil, that would be particularly interesting now."
The Complainer-in-Chief just hijacked the airwaves for another moment of presidential petulance:
"The president needs to understand that the problem is not that the press is nonserious. It is that he has failed utterly to give it something serious to cover. The controversy over his birth certificate was more substantive than the impact of his plan because there was no plan."