Pajamas Media "“I’m getting tired to trying not to find things slightly racist. It is very difficult, on a daily basis, to see this stuff and not say, you know, this is what it is. I have been raised to think, ‘Well, maybe that’s not what they mean. Let me figure it out.’ But, being black, when you say, ‘Y’know, this is racist,’ 9,000 people say, ‘Oh, you’re just playing the race card.’ Well, you know, I’m playing the damn card now.”"
The article also cites this gem from Whoopi:
The article also cites this gem from Whoopi:
Toonpool |
Whoopi plays the ever predictable race card against The Donald on The View. "Only an absolute dumb ass or a racial manipulator could come up with a premise that if a person supports the strict interruption of the constitution, he or she must somehow support a return of slavery." How's this for street cred? This comes from Wake up Black America
Video of Whoopi Asking McCain If His Court Appointments Would Bring Back Slavery "In response to Goldberg's ridiculous question, McCain says that she made an "excellent point." Why did he say that?"