Alan Caruba "In the words of Gandhi, “First they ignore you, then they mock you, then they fight you, then you win.”" ....
"When, in 2009, emails exchanged between a handful of scientists who provided the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change with the most specious, deliberately duplicitous “data” to prop up the “global warming" hoax were revealed, the whole house of cards began to collapse."
Mr. Caruba blogs at Warning Signs
Next and not unrelated:
Does Ethanol Keep Our Gas Cheap? "...the growth in ethanol production reduced wholesale gasoline prices by $0.25 per gallon on average. The Midwest region experienced the biggest impact, with a $0.39/gallon reduction, while the East Coast had the smallest impact at $0.16/gallon."
Ethanol ruling aside, higher corn prices bad for everyone "...And corn prices are likely to continue their spike if the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is successful in mandating a 5 percent increase of corn-based ethanol, to 15 percent, in gasoline."
Thanks for the cheaper gasoline.