Ann Coulter "But now, Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., has checkmated the Democrats. He has proposed a bill that will allow Obama to raise the debt ceiling three times, up to $2.4 trillion, over the next 18 months, but only provided Obama proposes equivalent cuts in spending each time.
"Finally, the Democrats will be forced to pony up spending cuts -- or default on the debt and crash the economy."
From Verum Serum: Call His Freaking Bluff "This is why negotiations like this never, ever work out for conservatives. In the end, it really does matter that almost the entire media is on the President’s side. It matters that the judgment call about whether the President is said to be cracking or standing on principle will always turn out favorably for him. It matters that the Greek chorus of the left is already damning Cantor for failing to play the President’s game. In these close situations, the press is never averse to putting a thumb on the scales."
Obama Aims for the Money You Don’t “Need” "Over the past several weeks, America has seen on grand display in Washington a singular mindset emanating from the White House: We must raise taxes so that we can keep on spending. This week, though, America was treated to something different—a glimpse inside President Barack Obama’s mind, a roadmap of his economic worldview. And what was revealed was a philosophy that is fundamentally at odds with America’s job creators.
"That insight came during the President’s press conference on Monday in which he broached the subject of raising taxes as part of the debt limit deal:"....
Democrats go hardball on tax hikes while Republicans play softball. "The president is now calling for a “big” deal that would reduce the debt by $4 t[r]illion over ten years, while we’ll borrow more than a third of that this year. In fact, over those ten years, we are expected to run up more than $13 trillion in new debt."
Leadership by Default "Obama is at it again, saying fine things about cutting trillions of spending without making any public disclosure of what specifically he would cut. At the same time he is portraying the Republicans as obstructionists who are threatening Grandma’s Social Security checks."
Obama walks out of debt limit talks Wednesday "Wednesday’s meeting came to a quick halt when Speaker of the House John Boehner responded negatively to spending cuts offered by the White House and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor offered to support two separate debt ceiling votes."
“Eric, don’t call my bluff,” "CBS says President Obama “abruptly” left the debt negotiations meeting with Congress. He said “enough’s enough” and that he had been “very patient.”"