Saturday, July 16, 2011

Obama and "Fairness" Demagoguery

Bruce S. Thornton   It’s the Philosophy, Stupid    "Some political Socrates needs to challenge this formula by asking for a definition of “fair.” Clearly, having the top 10% of taxpayers pay 70% of all income taxes — while nearly half of taxpayers pay nothing — isn’t considered “fair” by those who want to increase taxes on high earners. So what would be fair? Having the top 10% pay 80%, or 90%, or 100%? The US already has the most progressive tax system among 24 OECD countries, ahead of socialist heartthrobs like Sweden and Norway, so what more do Democrats want?"

Victor Davis Hanson: The Demagogic Style  "Under a more skilled practitioner such as Barack Obama, the arts of demagoguery have become somewhat more refined in our time, but they nevertheless follow the same old patterns:"
1) The use of an incendiary, but otherwise unimportant, example to whip up anger against the so-called establishment classes....
2) The demagogic rejection of demagoguery....
3) The evocation of anonymous straw men, sometimes referred to as “some” or “they”....
4) First-person nausea....
5) Inconsistency of position, predicated on the (always changing) perception of 51 percent majority opinion....


My Phone Conversation With Islam Promoting Reverend Rasicci

More on John Rasicci

Loganswarning  "He definitely sounded like this was an issue he did not want to discuss.
CL: I would like to know why you are promoting a religion that calls for the dominance of Christians?
Rev: I am not promoting it.
CL: Yes you are, you are not stating that Islam is the anti-thesis of Christianity, and you are allowing them to pray in the Church.
Rev: It creates dialogue. But I cannot get into this on the phone with you.

IslamoPUNK Anjem Choudary Lays out the Sharia Plan for the UK "The enemy is inside the gates. Why is the government of the UK doing nothing about this threat? It is time to ban Sharia Law, and charge those who call for it with treason!"

Friday, July 15, 2011

Higamus, Hogamus. . . Reflections on Gay Marriage

Power Line  "It will be interesting to see what contortions that the courts and gay marriage advocates will employ to erect a firewall against the formal legal recognition of polygamy. It can’t be done without rendering incoherent the “right to privacy” arguments of Lawrence, or raising uncomfortable questions about just what understanding of human nature lies at the root of the American idea that “all men are created equal.”"

"Equal access” versus “individual freedom”

Bookworm Room  "And what do you think the political realities are? Finally, returning to the original question, assuming I’m right that there is zero chance that Republicans will ever take away equal access (am I right about that?) how do we overcome the Leftist lies, get that message out, and persuade blacks to vote for Republicans?"  Don Quixote

New state law requires LGBT history in textbooks

SF Gate  "Public schools in California will be required to teach students about the contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans starting Jan. 1 after Gov. Jerry Brown on Thursday signed a controversial bill to add the topic to the social sciences curriculum.
"Textbooks now must include information on the role of LGBT Americans, as well as Americans with disabilities, though California's budget crisis has delayed the purchasing of new books until at least 2015.
" "History should be honest," Brown, a Democrat, said in a statement. "This bill revises existing laws that prohibit discrimination in education and ensures that the important contributions of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life are included in our history books." "  Via  California Chronicle

The debt talks

Jamie Dupree  "While a lot of rhetorical barbs are still being tossed around Washington, D.C., suddenly the way seems clear for a modified plan from the Republican Leader of the Senate, which may lead to an increase in the the debt ceiling and lay the groundwork for sizeable budget cuts.
"While the proposal from Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was roundly rejected by many Republicans earlier this week, it is gaining more traction in both parties, as Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is working with McConnell on the matter."  Via Neal Boortz who wrote:
Apparently it deprives Obama of his precious tax increases on the high-achievers. At least that’s something. It also creates some cockamamie idea about setting up some sort of a commission to recommend spending cuts. When those recommendations are made the congress will either vote them up or down without amendments. Yeah … that really works for the base closing commission.

Obama's Debt-Ceiling Opportunity: He could do a lot for his re-election prospects by getting more serious about spending cuts.  "The weaker the hand Barack Obama has to play, the more sanctimonious he becomes. That was clear in his news conference last week when the president lectured Congress that "there's no point in procrastinating," and argued senators and representatives "need to do their job" and raise the debt ceiling. He presented himself as a model of fiscal discipline, the one serious adult in a city full of distracted children. This claim is detached from reality."  Karl Rove, July 7, 2011

Stampede for public housing in Dallas

Via Neal Boortz

Video: How to Travel Safely - Tips from a Former Agent

STRATFOR   "Vice President of Intelligence & former agent Fred Burton discusses simple things you can do to stay safe while traveling."


Rescue Belt


Obama's Bluff

McConnell’s Uber-Clever Debt-Deal Stratagem

Larry Kudlow   "Sen. Mitch McConnell’s grand design may prove to be more powerful than people think."
"Other Republican sources are telling me they do not want to risk the destruction of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency by allowing a debt default or a downgrade. Eighty million checks have to go out. Otherwise the GOP could be blamed.
"So one way or the other the tide is turning toward a deal. Credit McConnell’s uber-clever stratagem."

Napoleon Obamapart by Alexander
 Hunter for The Washington Times

Obama Owns the Debt-Ceiling Fiasco  "His tone also hasn't helped achieve a comprehensive agreement. The president's two most recent press conferences, in which he accused the GOP of foot-dragging, convinced Republicans that he was interested in scoring political points and attracting independents, not facilitating a deal. Convening high-profile White House meetings without offering substantive concrete proposals and then having his aides leak madly (and inaccurately) to the press afterward further squandered trust."  Karl Rove.

Obama’s Waterloo; By overreaching, the president has positioned himself for defeat:  "Republicans have a golden opportunity to break Barack Obama’s presidency, ensuring he will be a one-termer. Mr. Obama has backed himself into a corner on the debt-limit talks; the GOP can smash his re-election prospectsif they have the will - and intelligence - to do it"

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Democrat demagoguery

Resorting to scare tactics "It’s been a while since we’ve heard from Democrat National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. I can understand why. She is ripe with over-the-top quotes that do nothing to further an intellectual debate. In short .. she’s the perfect person to have running the DNC. She’s a loon, and you can only imagine the type of people who vote in her district. Before we continue, let us recount a few of her recent quotes, shall we?"

And speaking of reckless rhetoric  "Obama knows damn well that the Social Security checks are going out in August. He knows it, Congressional Democrats and Republicans know it, and the ObamaMedia knows it; but all of these people also know that senior citizens who rely on Social Security and a good percentage of the dumb masses DON’T know it. So what Obama was really saying to these people was that the evil Republicans hate old people and will take their money away from them if they don’t get their spending cuts. Common political hacks might resort to this type of demagoguery, but it’s really a pity when the President of the United States does this … but that’s Obama for you. Truly classless."
Neal Boortz