J.R. Dunn "These are not black organizations. The system that put Obama into office is a system constructed by white liberals for white liberal purposes. Obama merely learned to create the perfect persona to take advantage of it -- part sophisticated intellectual, part woebegone victim, part street-smart tough. The fact that it was so easy for him is an indictment of the liberal mindset in and of itself.
"Obama has been a disappointment to American blacks along with everyone else. (Proportionally more blacks than whites are suffering unemployment due to the Obama recession, for one thing.) Obama has served as a wakeup call to black America. It's more than possible that Obama, by his very nature, will expose the phoniness of the liberal racial system. We must not let the racist remnant wreck this opportunity." J.R. Dunn is consulting editor of American Thinker, and author of Death by Liberalism.
Hat tip to Lucianne