Wednesday, July 27, 2011

White House Switchboard Swamped

American Thinker  "President Obama's speech last night called for Americans to contact their Congressional representatives in an effort to demonstrate their displeasure with the progress of the debt ceiling negotiations."
"President Obama may have been hoping that Congress would be bullied by a cascade of phone calls to Congress making demands for higher taxes on their fellow citizens. As an orchestrated tactic, it appears to have worked. Unfortunately for the President, it seems that his call to his dwindling supporters has also rallied those who oppose him and Speaker Boehner didn't even have to plot a phone call mob on his behalf."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Obama Shameless as Debt Crisis Looms  "While factually correct, this is bad economic policy, policy that Obama should accept the blame for just as much as he tried to claim credit for it when he and his administration were pretending their efforts to fix the economy were working."

President Obama and the Debt Crisis: Detached, Alone, and Passive   "Politico’s Thrush identified this key vulnerability on Sunday when he wrote:"
Can anyone envision a more devastating line than “Barack Obama, the man who lost America’s AAA credit rating — and brought you 9 percent unemployment”?

•Class warfare, complete with evil corporate jets - check. •One sided shared sacrifice - check. •Blame Bush - check.

Another Black Conservative   "No where in Obama's 15 minute speech did Obama offer a clear cut path plan of action. Instead, it was the usual dump it all in Congress' lap and then take to the podium to play the role of college professor. Of course in doing so, Obama made his usual massive contradictions. Like this gem:"...

"And Boehner mocked Obama's rhetoric: "The president has often said we need a 'balanced' approach--which in Washington means we spend more, you pay more." One might observe that the partisan sniping was mutual. But the president is the higher-status player. He diminishes himself by punching down."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Identifying a Psychopath

Warning Signs  "Anyone who would blow up a government building and gun down children, thinking that he was going to ignite a revolution against Muslims in Europe is not dealing with a full deck.
"The event initiated a torrent of news coverage and comment. Much of the initial coverage was wrong. Breivik was not a “fundamentalist Christian” and he was not linked to any particular group. He was the classic lone wolf. Like the Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, Breivik had his own “manifesto.” "
" “What distinguishes psychopaths from normal people? Principally, it is a total absence of what we typically take to be moral qualities; sympathy, empathy, compassion, guilt, remorse, conscience, loyalty, truth telling, and a sense of fairness.”
"“Psychopaths are highly narcissistic. Not only are they extremely self-centered, but they also think of themselves as being of a higher nature than the rest of us,” " By Alan Caruba

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney Beclowns Himself Spinning Obama's AWOL Stance

Joshuapundit  "This has to be one of the most pathetic examples on record of someone openly lying in public since Baghdad Bob during the invasion of Iraq."

"Here's Jay Carney, the president's press secretary actually being sneered at by the normally servile White House press corps as he tries to cover up for the president's total lack of leadership."
There's no real leadership here because frankly, the president is incapable of it.He's an empty suit, and in over his head.

Kinda like lipstick on a pig

Obama's latest speech

I’m not going to be ignored, John, or blamed.
                               Legal Insurrection

Obama Keeps Mum On A Word Dirtier Than 'Compromise'  "That Obama didn't promise to veto Boehner's bill signals that Obama may already know the sweet spot between divided government and dysfunctional government. He may not sign the Boehner bill, but the absence of a veto threat is a tell-tale sign that, in the end, Obama may tolerate something much closer to it than Monday night's speech conveyed."

New York Times Blames Conservative U.S. Bloggers for Oslo Massacre

Newsbusters  "Yet when a pair of homegrown terrorists were arrested in Seattle last month before a planned attack on a military facility, the Times chose not to inform readers that the duo were Muslim-converts and the ringleader idolized Osama bin Laden.
"Now, roughly four weeks later, a sadly successful attack happened thousands of miles away, and the Times was more than happy to point fingers - prominently on its front page! - at American conservatives.

:In June of 2011, when Muslim Yonathan Melaku was caught in Arlington Cemetery with suspicious material and a notebook praising the Taliban, the networks him simply as "the suspect," "a 22-year old Ethiopian American” and a “lone wolf.”"

Pinning Breivik on critics of Islamization  "Islam's enablers are already trying to take advantage of the situation. They are trying to take away our freedom of speech and freedom of expression by shutting down criticism of Islam and Islamization... to further their agenda, which is to make Islam and Islamic law supreme in the West. In that sense Breivik's actions must have seemed like a great gift and a great opportunity to them because it gives them a chance to use our revulsion in the heat of the moment to strip away our right to freely criticise Islam and Islamization, which would of course be a real boon to them as they try and turn Western countries into Islamic states."

Euro-killer ripped off peaceful Euro-critic  "We will find out very soon if peaceful conservative bloggers in Europe are now going to be the targets of a hysterical smear campaign, or whether some of them will even be arrested.
"This is therefore a very serious smear, since the Politically Correct elite in Europe is quite willing to prosecute peaceful dissidents like Geert Wilders, who was just found innocent by a court of law in the Netherlands, on a charge of hate speech. De Wilders is a peaceful, sober, polite, anti-PC politician, a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands -- but you know what can happen to dissenters from the EU Orthodoxy."

Wisdom from Media Matters on scoring political points from violence  "This was the tweet sent out by Media Matters when a radical environmentalist took hostages at the Discovery Channel in September 2010, and there was a concern about how violence by a “liberal” would be portrayed in the media:"...

Cal Thomas: And Now Norway 
"Would Anders Behring Breivik have thought twice about his killing spree if he had known in advance that someone would shoot back? That is impossible to know. But if someone on Utoeya Island had returned fire, there's a possibility that far fewer would have been killed."

Monday, July 25, 2011

Obama’s Dangerous Debt Ceiling Strategy

Heritage  "Never mind that the financial security of hundreds of millions of Americans and others would be injured in the process. The Administration needs what it has already dubbed “the Boehner drop”—named after Republican Speaker of the House John Boehner—to try to get its way in the debt ceiling negotiations.
"The attempt by senior members of the Administration, including Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, to make markets even more nervous than they are was noticed by other journalists. Veteran financial journalist Charles Gasparino vented his frustration on ABC’s This Week with Christian Amanpour by saying “it’s irresponsible for Geithner to go out there to talk about default. If he’s worried about the Asian markets tonight, why does he mention default? We are not going to default. We have cash on hand to pay bond holders.”
"But that is the political game the White House is playing—and it’s a dangerous one. Investment adviser James Rickards wrote to Politico‘s Playbook, “Geithner and Obama are foolish to try to ‘scare’ markets over the debt ceiling. Markets are already scared. They’re looking for reassurance and a more mature dialogue.”  Emphasis added.

The Manifesto Behind the Horror in Norway

The Weekly Standard  "The Norwegian terrorist seems to have penned a long Unabomber-style manifesto, "2083: A European Declaration of Indpendence," which can be downloaded, for now at least, at   this link.
"The author is listed as "Andrew Berwick," which seems to be an anglicized pen name for Anders Breivik. But Mein Kampf may be a better analogy than the Unabomber manifesto. The man is a mass-murdering sociopath, responsible for a horrific bloodbath yesterday. He is an extremist, but he is not incoherent. Here is part of a long Q&A from the manuscript, in which he attempts to justify his radicalization:"

Taliban hangs 8 year old boy in Afghanistan

Rick Moran  " 'An 8 year-old boy was hanged by militants in Afghanistan's Helmand province after the boy's father -- a police officer in the southern city of Gereshk -- refused to comply with militants' demands to provide them with a police vehicle, officials said.' "
"Needless to say they are barbarians. And they are winning."

Obama and the left want to cede the battle to these people. Code Pink and their yokefellows of the anti-war movement praise the Taliban for killing American soldiers.  "For years, Code Pink has viciously harassed wounded veterans and their families outside Walter Reed Hospital, even telling the mother of a slain Navy Seal that her son "deserved to die." Code Pink actively supports terror groups such as Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Taliban, Hezbollah and al Qaeda."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Double Tragedy for Norway

As a Bible - believing Christian who places all hope of salvation in Jesus Christ and on the sufficiency of the atonement He purchased upon the cross, I utterly condemn the murders by this warped man. If his victims were innocent Muslims going about the normal business of a peaceful society, I would condemn these killings just as much.
I hope millions of Christians around the world will condemn this act of terror just as I wish Muslims by the millions would rise up against the barbarity of those who massacre in Mohammed's name. The Tunnel Dweller

Not only has it lost almost one hundred people to a senseless rampage, but legitimate criticism of Islam has been profoundly discredited by association with a murderous lunatic.

"Norway calls itself “the peace country.” For years, the Norwegian government and cultural establishment have striven to communicate to even the most extreme elements of international Islam that they want to be friends. They’ve shown their good faith in a number of ways:"....

Anders Behring Breivik poses
 in a wetsuit with military gear
for an online video.
"I assumed that after this attack, Norwegians would vote in a Progress Party-led government in the next elections. Now it appears that the man who committed all these murders is a former member of the Progress Party and is, indeed, a right-wing extremist xenophobe who harbors (according to Dagbladet) a “violent hatred for Muslims” and multiculturalism, and who targeted the Labor Party youth camp because he blames the ruling Labor Party for the Islamization of Norway. Norway’s political future looks very different now, in short, than it did 24 hours ago.:....

"It is chilling to read my own name in postings by this mass murderer. And it is deeply depressing to see this evil, twisted creature become the face of Islam criticism in Norway. Norwegian television journalists who in the first hours of the crisis were palpably uncomfortable about the prospect of having to talk about Islamic terrorism are now eagerly discussing the dangers of “Islamophobia” and “conservative ideology”."

Can the Left Resist the Temptation to Exploit the Norway Attacks?  "Right-wing fundamentalist Christian. It’s a slam-dunk for the liberal-left; the ultimate caricature of conservative extremism; the bogeyman that had until now existed largely in their imaginations made real.
"As I argued in this piece for Pajamas, two years ago almost to the day, the very term ‘far-right’ is an invention of the liberal-left, employed to discredit the opinions of anyone holding conservative views – just now I actually heard a BBC newsreader describe Breivik as ‘right-wing’ and ‘conservative’ in the same breath."
"Think about it: when was the last time you heard or saw a reference in the mainstream media to the *‘far-left’?"
* Known also as "Obama's base."
Photo of shooter taken from police chopper, victims obscured.  WHAS photo
"Disturbed Oslo mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik was known to be a fan of Winston Churchill so the media is having a heyday.
"In their article on the massacre Reuters used the terms “right-wing” or “far-right” 25 times.
"And the far left is already linking the killer to Sarah Palin and tea party."

Krauthammer to PBS Host: You Manage to Introduce a ‘Hell of a Lot of Bias’

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I like the way you pose an objective question implying the insanity of a Republican proposal which passed the House. I just want the viewers to understand how this is a fair and balanced program.
PETERSON: Well, we do our best. We don’t have the vast resources of Rupert Murdoch and Fox News, but we do the best we can.
KRAUTHAMMER: I understand, but on a shoestring, you manage to introduce a hell of a lot of bias.
ABC News cheerleading for Obama more than Daily Kos pollster  "“Obama looks to have turned the budget debate to his advantage,” writes ABC pollster Gary Langer. “His position on the deficit is more broadly popular, he’s taking less heat than the GOP for unwillingness to compromise and he’s got a sizable lead in the view that he cares more about protecting the middle class.” "