Debbie Schlussel "It’s not exactly a newsflash that the government of Iraq is very tight with the government of Iran, and that Iran-backed Shi’ite Nouri Al-Maliki remains Iraqi Prime Minister. Whether or not Iraq merges with Iran, it is a satellite state of Iran, so it makes no difference. Given that, why the heck are we selling Iraq 36 F16 fighters? And against which country do you think Iraq would use these fighter jets? Not Iran, not Syria, not any country but for maybe, um . . . wait for it . . . ISRAEL! They say they need the jets to halt Iraqi border “transgressions.” Riiight We know what they are for. It’s absurd to sell these jets to Iraq/Iran, but hey, this is the “NEW” Iraq President Bush–not Obama–created. We might as well be selling the jets to Hezbollah, which most of Shi’ite Iraq supports." Emphasis added.
F16 fighters to help Iraq halt borders transgressions, State of Law MP "A Member in State of Law Coalition headed by Iraq Premier Nouri Al Maliki said on Sunday that transgressions on the Iraqi borders cannot be halted but by using F16 fighters and added that the sovereignty and reverence of Iraq in the region will not be complete without these airplanes adding that Al Maliki’s announcement of the willingness to double the number of bought airplanes is great news for all Iraqis."