Victor Davis Hanson: How to Turn a Recovery into Another Recession
"If one wished to ensure that the recession that officially began in December 2007 and officially ended in June/July 2009 would not be followed by a robust recovery but an anemic one characterized by a 1938-like stasis of high unemployment, weak growth, and massive deficits, I would do the following — both to confuse and antagonize the job-hiring classes: "....
From the comments to this post:
....Money given to business = profit? Apparently, you are ignorant of the fact that a business does not produce profit until people demand what they produce.The "Green energy" businesses that received Obama's largess -- many are now going bankrupt. They got the $$ from Obama, but no one bought what they were selling.
Thomas Sowell: Misleading Words
"The same mindset that led to these disasters is still prevalent in Washington. Indeed, the very people who spearheaded those political crusades -- Congressman Barney Frank and Senator Christopher Dodd -- crafted new legislation offering the same kind of "solution" to our current problems, namely more massive government intervention in the economy. Words triumphed again."
Misleading Words Part II ...."The whole future of the welfare state depends on how poverty is defined. "The poor" are the human shields behind whom advocates of ever bigger spending for ever bigger government advance toward their goal."
Charles Krauthammer: Obama Is "Out Of Bullets...Out Of Arrows" On Economy
"He's out of bullets, he's out of arrows, he's looking for stones on the seashore. And it shows that he may want to have a jobs agenda, he may want to do a pivot -- there's nothing left in the cuboard. He did a huge Keynesian gamble, and it failed."