Crusader Rabbit "Before converting, he was searching for a crutch in his life. He flirted with Buddhism but realized it was not suitable for him. He "tried Zen and Ching, numerology, tarot cards and astrology." His brother, impressed by a visit to a mosque in Jerusalem, gave him a Qur'an. Eureka! Mr Islam had found his calling. An ideology that promotes polygamy, honour killing of wives, daughters and sisters, hacking heads off non-Muslims, stoning women to death, hanging homosexuals, female genital mutilation (circumcision), suicide bombings, execution of apostates, child marriages of little girls, and more. And anti-Semitism, a virulent hatred of Jews and Israel.
"On his conversion to Islam, he wrote: "I found a religion that blended scientific reason with spiritual reality."
"Scientific reason? The scientific way to behead an infidel? The scientific process to stone a person to death? Maybe the scientific method of circumcising young girls - Female Genital Mutilation? Perhaps the scientific wisdom of Iran's late barbaric Ayatollah Khomeini, a 20th century man with a primitive 7th century desert mentality?"
"In 2004 in an article 'A Cat in a Wild World', he wrote: "I am a man of peace and denounce all forms of terrorism and injustice...I have dedicated my life to promoting peace throughout the world...and campaigning for peace and stability in this volatile and violent world." The hypocrite. Calling for the death of Salman Rushdie for writing a book is not the act of a peaceful man."
Via the Australian Islamist Monitor
As a typical "peace activist", Stevens/Islam condemns in song the use of force by those under attack from the murderous forces of Islam.